December 21, 2011


Woooooot! Yeah we actually got our 1st anniversary.. wow it’s been almost a year since I started this crazy phenomenon by myself.. LOL. Yeah never thought that I would actually create a fan page and tried my best to update what’s happening around SCANDAL. And yeah I know.. I’ve never been this crazy about something before except for SCANDAL, it really is a wonderful experience for me to actually do it and meet SCANDAL fans all over the world. I’m glad to make friends and not enemies.. There are lots of fan pages going out in FB today.. there are lots of blogs and forums as well as FAN CLUBS.. and Im really happy about it.. They are the symbols/ marks of how GREAT and POPULAR SCANDAL is becoming. And I’m so prouuuuud of them!! Let’s go guys we can do it, let’s support them with all our might and on our own ways.. let’s not just forget RESPECT and SUPPORT for one another to make a UNITY of all SCANDAL FANS!! Chyeaaaah!

Well, I’m kei and I know much of all of you knows that I’m the creator of Scandal Magic, and well I don’t create Scandal Magic to actually be a hindrance to any of the fanclubs that were already been created, Scandal Magic is not a fan club or anything alike.. Scandal Magic is just a simple Scandal FAN PAGE in FACEBOOK.. who updates about SCANDAL happenings. And I hope that’s clear to everyone. We’re not competing to other pages or fan clubs. We’re here to support and SPREAD SCANDAL fever!

I started this crazy page about December , yeah not exactly 21 but I started it 2 days ago before it. I was only trying to spread how much I love Scandal and nothing more. I haven’t been a member of any forums nor fanclubs of scandal before, ACTUALLY!~ I don’t even know fan clubs and forums exist at the beginning of my fandom.. HAHA! Seriously I was just a knows nothing fan. But that doesn’t STOPPED me for creating the page. Coz at those time im creating the page.. I actually got my RESEARCH ABOUT SCANDAL already (Yeah I’ve prepared after that ).. I’ve collected VIDEOS and IMAGES. Songs of them… I’ve also discovered sites that updates a LOT about SCANDAL too.. I’m always happy to see the updates and the things I found about them.. and so It got to my thoughts that I might actually share this feeling and spread it to everyone who are Scandal Fans.. I might start influencing people with these researches I got.. and yeah it did INFLUENCE people! *gladly.. one of them would be my 1st co-admin, MIMI! HAHA LOL!

After mimi, got influenced I thought to myself that I need more admins to secure and share things in the page. And I got my other bestfriend this time it’s a “MALE” haha! And I know I can trust him with this secret, coz none knows in my real world that I’m the creator of Scandal Magic.

Yeah.. I’m seeing quite an improvement in the page.. more likes and fans are coming and we’re having quite a good feedback from the others as well.. and so as I wanted to improve more the page.. I decided to chat someone I know in my list that is from a different country.. and I saw. ADMIN AB.. he’s from hongkong and I’ve seen that he’s quite very active in commenting things about Scandal.. and so I decided to give him an opportunity to share more of his fandom for SCANDAL to all other fans out there. And yeah he’s really great with it.. and Im happy he’s part of Scandal Magic family coz yeah he’s our youngest admin!

After months (guessing) I decided to get another admin.. even though that the page is actually doing great.. I feel like I still need an make the force of Scandal Magic gets even GREAAATER.. and yup! It’s ADMIN AEON in the house yo!! This time he’s from USA! And im glad I’ve chosen him to be the admin of all those who have commented in the search post I made. LOL

And one more person got an opportunity to be our co-admin in Scandal Magic. And it’s Khoerul Mw or his admin name Irul. Though the time we’ve spent together with him was short.. it was really fun to actually meet him and be part of Scandal Magic family. It was just sad that he was busy always for some things and because he’s handling a few pages that makes him unable to update as much as the other admins do.
And last but not the least, my co-admin Izumi, she's from Malaysia.. I when she said that she's interested being an admin, I did not think twice that she's really capable of the job.. although I know she's handling many pages, yet it didnt stopped me from picking her as our new admin. She started contributing at our page, even if she's still not an admin at that time.. that is why she got familiar with me and picked her right away on the admin search. Our page began to be more active as she always held games and trivia.. which made our page have great feedback.. I say our page got even stronger.. yay for her and of course to other admins as well. 

And well yeah that’s it.. it’s quite a fun to reminisce some things that had happen in that whole year. Thanks for supporting Scandal Magic and I hope everyone will still spread the page as much as they can! ;) have a great day everyone.. and again CONGRATULATIONS to us admins of SCANDAL MAGIC.. AND HAPPY 1ST ANNIVERSARY..I HOPE! There are MOOOORE years for us  to come J and of course for SCANDAL too.. coz without Scandal THERE’S NO scandal MAGIIIIC <3

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