December 28, 2011

Dream High (again & again)

! Hey! Hey!
I'm back, and I'm here to update again. It took me a while to be inspired again to write, and yes because I re-watched Dream High(this time I finished it from the start till end LOL).. I really love this drama, can't stop watching it, it actually is a very inspiring one especially to those who wanted to pursue their dreams in music. I can somehow relate with it.. I really like music, I wanted to know more and play more music... If I had not taken Architecture as my course, I would really love to pursue my dreams in music. I really wanted to be a musician, although I know to myself that I'm not yet capable of creating my own music since I have no background and not that well prepared in it because I dont find a time to study and explore about music. But I know someday, someday, I will find a way to make this dream come true.

Dream High, is one of the inspiring dramas I've watched although I know that it's not that a heavy drama nor intense and heavy romance in it.. But I think the words coming from every characters are very inspiring. Much of the viewers might not able to realize, but they are really well said by the characters. Aside from the inspiring words, the story-line is also well written, I love how the author (I think it was JYP himself who did the story since he mentioned it on their dream high concert) made it. A bit romantic behind the 2 characters' (Jin Guk and Hye Mi) childhood.. they meet up again and are always together at their best and worst days. Suddenly another character came out (Sam Dong), then Hye Mi fell in love with him at almost the very last episodes of the drama. Story was really unpredictable that's why I really liked it. At first I did not get it why everything turned out to be like that and all.. but now I really do understand.. it's very unique story.. Great job JYP!

And of course because of Dream High I also find few awesome and lovely music in it. Here let me share you 3 of my favorite songs from Dream High:
I love this song and so are the lyrics TT^TT makes me cry...
When Hye Mi (Bae Suzy) sang this on the drama, made me liked her even more. Her voice is really captivating and very powerful. I really love it. I want her version as well.

I also loved this song, I love her expression and so is Jin Guk's (Taecyon).. Although despite of their childhood story and strong likeness to each other they did not end up being together... soooo unpredictable story.. I really thought they are the lead couple in the drama..
I love Suzy's voice.. waaaaahhh *heart*

Here's my other favorite which shows the lovely tandem of voices from Jason (Wooyoung) and my favorite Go Hye Mi (*heart*) lol

I also like and love the original songs from the characters but oh well.. these three marked their own space and symbolism in my heart (LOL, drama? XD) But seriously.. can't find a way to explain how special these 3 songs are for me *heart*
I sooo love Suzy's voice ;)))

and of course I love how my favorite characters ended up being together. I also love the part wherein Sam Dong who started with nothing gain all the popularity and the most glorious level in the music industry at the very end. AWESOME!! It made you feel so happy for him.. for the success!!!

On the other hand It reminded me of Honey and Clover about the story of love and friendship. That even though there are 2 guy friends who fell in love with their other friend Hye Mi, they still managed to hold on to their friendship.. It's a really nice story. ^^ happy ending as always.

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