June 14, 2021

I Got My Like Water Albums!!!

I finally got my Like Water albums and I was like the happiest Wendy fan ever that day. I pre-ordered my albums on March 24 (based on my email to local shop/distributor) and after more than 3 months I finally got it! The long wait is definitely over for my Like Water albums. The albums arrived June 7 (Monday) and that was a rainy day! I could still remember that while I was unboxing the albums, the rain was really heavy that time. And I also remembered how Wendy told that it was also raining when she recorded 'When This Rain Stops', I know it was all just a coincidence but I feel like it was all connected. My fate and Wendy's are connected, we're meant to be! lol Yes, crazy fan over here.

Anyways, I took photos of my albums (case and photobook versions) because I like to record this on my blog, as usual. I really love the albums, they are well designed and are aesthetically pleasing. I was really smiling the remaining time of the day since I got my albums, I was really happy at that time. 

These are the photo cards, premium card, bookmark and post cards I got from the 2 version of albums. I'm already satisfied with what I got even though there are also special cards. Oh there's a limited case edition of the album too btw, but there are only 300. I'm not part of the lucky 300 fans who got it but like I said, I'm satisfied with what I already got. Having an album is more than enough to me and the fact that I'm part of Wendy's high album sales was like an achievement to me already. haha!

These are my favorite poses/photos of Wendy from the photobook:

Next time, on SSW2, I will definitely buy more albums. I'm going to save up and allot money for Wendy in her next solo project! Yay!


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