March 13, 2021

The Fall Of Cheon Seo Jin Is Finally Happening In The Penthouse 2 Episode 7

It has arrived my fellow viewers of The Penthouse, it has arrived! The event that we're all waiting for, the fall of Cheon Seo Jin. This woman strived to survive the misery brought by loneliness, aiming for power to get the love and attention that she was deprived from the family she grew up in. Tasting the small bits of it, she got greedy for more and so the villain Cheon Seo Jin we're all watching was born. 

I really hated this woman, her selfishness was beyond imagination, her greediness was boundless to a point of executing immorality. There are no excuse for what she has done, destroying other people's lives, adultery, abandoning a dying father, and so on... there are no excuse for all these so she has to suffer all of the consequences, that's how karma works. However, I know this is unbelievable but despite my hatred towards her, seeing her weak like this made me sympathize with her.

I've said it before in my previous blog entry that she'll realize all the things she had done wrong in the end. In this episode, we're able to see her realest emotions. She finally realized that her own family is what she needed, and that's Ha Eun Cheol and Ha Eun Byeol. It's saddening though, that despite wanting to get her family back again, the damage she inflicted were already at worst especially to her daughter. But I think I see a light in Ha Eun Cheol, maybe he'll choose to stay with her after all. If that's the case, then that's good for Seo Jin. I want to see her character develop in a good way and I think her fall as of now will be her best teacher. 

On the other hand, I still cannot foresee the real role Lee Ji Ah's character of Na Ae Gyo in The Penthouse. Is she an enemy or is she an ally of Joo Dan Tae? And how did she had that same face of Shim Su Ryeon in the first place? Was that a plastic surgery or she's born that way? Hmmm.. 


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