July 10, 2013

Happy 22nd Birthday Maeda Atsuko!

To the special person that's celebrating her 22nd year of existence today, Happy Birthday. Maeda Atsuko I love you so much. wwww You're the reason why I'm living.. LOOOOOL (too much? HAHAHA)

Please continue to shine and show your smile to brighten up my life. ww  (heart heart heart heart)

Geez I just cannot stop my feelings from coming out. If only I don't have much work today I would've celebrated the whole day for her. Seriously, if I'll have my own architectural firm in the near future.. I would really announce July 10 as holiday. Ugh. Then I'll hire people who are into AKB/Maeda Atsuko fandom as well. LOL! So you people studying architecture, you know what to do. www

Anyways.. I fail at actually posting fanfics every day of the countdown. To that I feel really down, coz I was not able to fulfill that. (real world is keeping me away from my fandom) OTL.. I don't know if I still have to continue posting the 5 fanfics left. To be honest, I still am not yet done with the remaining fanfics except for 3.. I'm not yet sure when will I ever post them.. But anyways.. I'll just make this celebration a MONTH long. =))) So I got plenty of time to think about my stories.. besides they could be my last fanfics before I stop writing.. so I need to make them something good. So far, do you guys like the previous updates? If yes, are you guys still willing to wait? www

Also to those people who are commenting and participating to share their thoughts about the stories, Thank you. Really. I appreciate everyone of you. At least I know that all the fanfics I'm writing are worth it to be posted.

To be honest, when some people are saying that they are just silent readers... I really hate it. I mean, just a few share of your thoughts wouldn't hurt right? Busy? I'm busy too. You know, fair share. That's all I'm asking.. but to have seen a few of them tried to comment for the first time.. I was really happy. Please continue to do so. Even if your english isn't that good, I will understand every meaning of your statements. So do not be scared. ;)


  1. happy birthday acchan~ she definitely become more matured and gorgeous each day. it just seem like yesterday seeing her being all cute, childish and clinging towards AKB48 members [mostly takamina of course].. she sure grow up a lot..

    btw, your fanfic definitely worth to be post. sometimes, i even read the same fanfic over and over again like 'contract' and 'will you take my hand?' [this doesn't mean i don't like your other fanfic. it just mean that i love these 2 more xD]. so, i don't think waiting for your fanfics will give me any harm because i know, your fanfic worth it ;)

    *sorry for being silent reader all this time >.<

    1. Definitely matured, but sometimes when she's acting silly again brings back the old childish Acchan. But either way I love her so much. XD

      Really? Haha so those two are your favorites among my stories. Well contract is already 1 yr.. come to think of it, it's old already. My first ever fanfic. So I guess everyone remembers me on that fanfic too.

      I forgive you since, you're not a silent reader any longer. Haha thank you :)

  2. Pls continue to write your fanfics
    I'll definitely wait for it ^^

    Love your blog entries and fics <3


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