June 23, 2013

When Different Worlds Collide:Good or Bad?

Okay I have something to share that happened to me this week. Apparently there was a fangirl as well at our office, aside from me. Of course since I'm just in my almost 2 mos. at the office, I'm hiding some things that aren't supposed to be leaked yet. And to be honest I was not really aiming to let them know about it at all. But yeah since fans are prone to sharing things about their fandom, I wasn't able to stop my fcking excited emotions on a boring day at the office. There was a time the other fangirl at our office talked about her kpop fandom revolving around bias, otps and etc. And automatically I bursted out my biases. Lame right? Ah I need to control my feelings, help! Atsuko, you're not helping.

So we actually spent time talking, giggling, laughing and get all delusional at the office (I was talking to an Architect btw,www). And we get wild and our voices can't keep to a normal volume (oh you know how that feels). Our other colleagues involving our boss get along with our topic too. Since this fangirl architect was beside me as well, she was called kpop and I am the jpop. Hahaha.. and I called my senior architect P-pop =))) Totally hilarious. And they can't really believe that there were 200+ members (or maybe more? just check out their official site www) that the 48 group/family has.  They said a few things that somehow disturbing and hurt my feelings too (lol). They said how do people remember the members (first world problem?), they looked like cheerleaders, orchestra, parade (oh my fcking gahd!) and WORST when the fangirl beside me searched for Maeda Atsuko on google she saw a lot of bikini poses of Acchan and was also linked with AKB48's sexy pics. Her reaction? "What is this, porn?"

WHAT THE FUCK? Just wearing bikini automatically means it's porn? lol Why not watch real porn so you can determine the difference? I was really refraining myself from exploding that time, I almost ended up being high blood. wwww

Ah wait, no wonder.. maybe she saw these pictures.. wwwww I don't blame you now for thinking like that. lol But please, she's a goddess to be involved in an AV
well I can't explain any further to her, but I'll advice her to watch porn to state the difference. I'm not kidding. lol?

My fangirl colleague thought that 200+ or more members are just AKB48 itself, and even though I keep explaining that it was not just AKB48 but along with other sister groups and trainees but it seemed like her mind was already closed. lol But anyways whatever. It was fun talking to a fangirl colleague. I even ask if she was into fanfics as well, and to my surprise she is too. But laughed at me because I'm into writing fanfics.. lol Why? Can't I write my delusional thoughts? www Probably she can't handle how hardcore I am.. orz ... We also talked about SMUT, Fluff fanfics.. hahahaha weird to become a topic right? hahahaha omygod...Btw, her bias is kpop's SNSD.. OTP? Taeny.. =) almost equivalent to AtsuMina.. in jpop.. So believe it or not, even though we have different biases, we're not totally from different dimensions. 

WATCH this ..................Two Is Better Than One (AtsuMina & Taeny)

I don't know if it's a good news that they knew about my fangirl self or was it bad news? Anyways I'll make sure to keep my blog, twitter and whatever related to my crazy fangirl self to be shown to them. That would be the end of my professional career!!! NOOOO lol

See, how dangerous Acchan can become for me? But because I love her so much, I'm still sticking to her till the end.. wwww

She's an actress not a porn star fyi


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