April 5, 2013

[Jane Doe] 2nd Day

I find it quite funny to actually see this, didn't expect Takamina to actually surpass EXILE on the 2nd day. Atsu's words sure are powerful, believe it when she says "When it's Takamina, everything is possible".

Also another one that made me so amused and feel great was about WMinami's close relationship to one another. It was stated in Taka's blog entry that Miichan came during Minami's live promotion of Jane Doe at Shinjuku Station yesterday. Taka didn't know that she actually came by that time!! 

Oh gosh that's so touching Miichan! I knew and have witnessed Taka and Miichan's close friendship before, and this happening has a huge contribution to strengthen that fact. I love these girls. ~cries~~~

Miichan took this pic!~~~ cries~~ [heartheart]

Takamina guested at MJ today!!

Look how she looked better and comfortable performing solo already. If you've watched her previous performances, you can state that she's really improving! I'm glad for her!

On the other hand, my Atsuko's been tweeting about her favorite cat Ruvu in the afternoon so we (atsu fans) are speculating that she's at home and has a day-off today. Therefore I conclude she has the time to actually watch (finally) Takamina in MJ! Oh my imaginations, pardon me. Atsuminaaaa! 
To be honest, one of my frustrations in life is to become Ruvu. I actually am studying different ways to transform from human to an animal. I'm doing my best. Wish me luck, okay? 

[If Takamina can be cabbage, then I can be ruvu! Dream BIG!] Okay this is getting creepy, don't be afraid readers!

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