October 29, 2012

Welcome Atsuko_100

Yesterday (10-28-12) Maeda Atsuko finally joined twitter!! At first it was Mariko-sama who hinted that username of "Atsuko_100", and when I saw her tweet about it I immediately searched it. But unfortunately I saw other person with the same account name so I thought Mariko-sama was just trolling once again. Then a few minutes later the real "Atsuko_100" ,the person I was really expecting, came out as lots of people including Mariko-sama, Kojiharu and the others started to tweet and reply about her. Yes! It was the real Maeda Atsuko! I don't know how that thing happen, that there's a possibility that she can use a username that was already taken or probably that another Atsuko_100 I saw last night deleted her account immediately. Though that was a bit weird to call as coincidence. 

Anyways, look on the brighter side! It's really Maeda Atsuko! Have you ever saw this coming? Maeda Atsuko on Twitter? Now I can finally move on to the fact that she's not gonna ever update her G+ (as it was already deleted) and blog, although I still am looking forward to that "new" blog they are saying to be published anytime soon.

And so Maeda Atsuko has once again made headlines. What?
Twitter has also proven how popular she really was! As not yet reaching 24 hours she was able to gain thousands of followers. Within 12 hrs or less she gained 200k followers already! Geez.. I knew some "popular" korean singer who opened twitter before but it took her a few days, or weeks I guess, to have that no./amount of followers. Such a lame comparison? Not I guess. Ahh, love love.

First ever twitter profile picture:
First ever tweet: 
"前田敦子です 今日からつぶやいていきます:) 一言目だ--!! 楽しいから今日はいっぱいいっぱい 書こう"

"Maeda Atsuko here. From today onward I twitting :) These are my first words!! It’s funny, so today I’ll write so, so much!"
First ever tweet with picture:
"今から勉強に戻らなきゃ 最近そこまで映画に浸れてないです 一番最近みた作品は 松江監督の「フラッシュバックメモリーズ」!! まばたき忘れました 映画館でドキュメンタリー作品は始めて観ました。 感動です"

From now I have to come back to study! Until recently I’m not so immersed in movies. The most resently movie I have seen is Director Matsue’s “Flashback memories”!! I forgot to blink. It has been my first time to watch a documetary work in a cinema. I’m very impressed. 

I was not able to track down what was my rank no. in becoming her follower, but proud to say I'm one of her earliest follower. Haha. Due to my excitement over her appearance on twitter, I even decided to enroll for a japanese class. lol. I know it was ridiculous as it was all so sudden, but I had the feeling I can work on both of my thesis as well as a japanese class. But unfortunately, the school near at my university only has an opening class this Nov. 12 and it has a class schedule of 2pm-5pm for 2 mos! And guess what? It has conflict with my thesis/design class schedule. Argh. I tried to find another school or any institution that offers a japanese language class, but unfortunately they are too far away and does not offer a class within these coming months of the year. [Talk about how unfortunate I really was, but look on the bright side! I'll be able to focus on only thesis. boring.] 
So yeah! I guess I'll just continue my self study-basis. I think the only key to learn is to merge myself into the language and use it in a daily basis. Hopefully I have someone to talk with, but if there's none, I shall just talk to myself. LOL
Credits to miroku48 on tumblr for the translations

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