Shiz! This song is so beautiful to my ears.. I'm listening to this over and OVER again! dammit HARUNA & TOMO!!! Ahhhh I so love your voices alternating.. gahd.. this is AMAZING! A MASTERPIECE!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!
This is a great sign.. for their 14th Single Pin Heel Surfer.. gorgeous attire and now.. the preview!! It's a double kill!!!!
I think I'll make this as my theme song for my whole week trololol. My alarm, my energy for the whole day and my lullaby at night! Oh great days ahead! love love love!
This shall also be my inspiration for my review sessions.. dammit.. I hate it but because of SCANDAL.. I'm now on FIIIIIIIIIIIIIREEEEE...
Thanks for uploading the preview, was hard to find it anywhere else