May 22, 2012

[AKB-Discoveries] 1

Now. Now. = = I really feel like updating out in here and just reveal my random thoughts about certain topic or anything random. LOL
I'm wide awake and reading photocopied pages of plenty of books for my thesis.= = Yes, I'm sure enough that I was bored reading and get myself attached to my laptop again and do this shit. LOL

I was quite busy the whole day because I was recording my new guitar cover which will be fully uploaded later this morning. I also read quite a lot of blog entries from my favorite bloggers around there. :) I've learned quite a lot. [Oh God! Please give me this much interest on my thesis, FUU].

Mariko trolling around again. She shocked her twitter fans as she said she'll be away in twitter as things went well [probably haters comments are the reasons] but in less than 23 hours... look who's back. LOL!
She also said that she forgets everything that happened after a long sleep. LOL much really! Mariko you're such a troll! = =''

Mariko's trolling also caused quite a stir to fans and anti-fans about issues regarding AKB48's private agenda with their promoters.. I don't really know if it was really true, and I don't see anything wrong with setting up a private show for these businesses.. I guess not until I find out they really are selling themselves out in here.
Oh well, good thing.. [I'm really saying this!] That Acchan is not going to be part of AKB activities any longer, but I wonder if she'll also refrain a "few" important ones. Like yeah entertaining her sponsors? NOOO ACCHAN please just focus on your solo career now, and I'll give all my money to you [like I have?] just please stop raising those businessmen's pervert egos. = =!!
Damn these businessmen trying to get these girls because of power.. I say Fck you all!! btches!
Really, what is AkiP doing all this time? I guess he can't do anything since these sponsors are all behind the success of AKB? Damn you then AkiP! You're a slut! pervert old-man!

Well, because of Mariko's comeback I was able to realize too that MariKoji is more HOT and trending publicly than the KojiYuu pair. Now, now, where are you Yuko? Are you just going to sit there and let Mariko steal your wifey~ away from you? Nuuuu! [Although I don't mind supporting MariKoji as well XD]

But I guess our long haired girl here misses Yuko in action with her as well..
I guess Yuko still is doing something off-cam ne? Whatcha think?

Set that Mariko's theme for today. LOL!
It was my 1st time to know that Akimoto Sayaka was a half Filipina! [Now that's really interesting]
Now I know why I feel light and happy towards her.. She's really a hard-working member and I hope that everyone will really notice her more. T.T Sayaka I will always support you, even if I did not found out that your mother is a Filipina, I would still support you because you're a real entertainer!!!

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