April 24, 2012

The First "YURI" anime I've watched

Hello everyone! Gokigenyou! *wow it's been a long time since I've used that word again. Haha! Well it's no ordinary Japanese word for me, this is really sentimental word for this word was eventually being used at my favorite "yuri" anime. Yup! That's right! YURI it is! Because that anime displays a proper lady mannerism, they use this always to greet and bares farewell to everyone by saying this "GOKIGENYOU" and bows down.

Maybe some of you are quite very familiar with it, but I bet a lot of you are totally clueless about it. Well yeah this anime was an old one already, and I wonder if there are still someone who dares watching it today.
The title of the anime is MARIA SAMA GA MITERU. :)

The first ever "yuri" genre of anime I have ever watched and so far, I still haven't watched any. I guess that'll be the 1st and last. The 1st time I watched it was dated 2007, I never actually thought that it was yuri for I did not know that genre actually exists. OTL. I first saw it on a local channel in our country in a weekend morning program there, it's dubbed too. But did not really bother to watched it fully by then it was way back than 2007 that time. In 2007 I finally got hooked up with it because of ANIMAX!! I bet some of you have encountered it there, I actually thought it was boring at the beginning, but I ended up liking it as the story goes one. Hahaha! Honestly I really just thought everything was just about sisterhood. But I guess it's more than that. Hahaha!

I've been very busy lately (not about thesis) re-watching this anime again. Hahah there are 4 seasons of it, and it's kinda hard to find where to download it. I found one site that gives links that still are working, although the archive was mixed with other anime that's why I was not able to complete season 1 and 2. Huhu. There are so many download links on other sites but they are all dead links. I'm quite disappointed! Really~ I guess no one really bothers to watch this anymore huh? I guess I'm the only one in the world. *sobs. And this fucking youtube uploaders all Maria Sama ga Miteru videos are in spanish subs, damn it. Why don't you guys upload english subbed videos of it! Seriously make the world a better place by sharing unselfish stuffs! Augh.

Well I'm really happy writing about this, so pardon me for giving a long blog entry. Haha! What makes me so happy about this anime is seeing Sachiko Ogasawara and Yumi Fukuzawa getting along with each other so sweet! AAAAAH!! *fan girl screaaaaaaaaaammmm!!! Oh god, they are so amazing to be true, I'm enjoying how Yumi changes Sachiko as their seour relationship becomes stronger and deeper! They are so cute!!! This sister couple is really entertaining, but of course other seours at the Yamayurikai council sure are interesting too. My favorite family on the Yamayurikai was Rosa Chinensis Family, but I still love the Rosa Gigantea and Rosa Foetida Families. Every characters are really likable! Sei Satou is really funny, and she always have fun watching Sachiko get jealous everytime she play and mark hugs and kisses on Yumi. HAHAHA! It's really funny! Tahaha!
 Chinensis Family: Youko Mizuno, Yumi Fukuzawa, Sachiko Ogasawara
Gigantea Family: Sei Satou and Shimako Todou 
Foetida Family: Eriko Torii, Rei Hasekura, Yoshino Shimazu

Well they were the members of the family from S1 till mid of S2. But as the 3rd years graduated, new ones arrived. 

Whew! My addiction on this anime is getting back again. Damn it's bad for my studies, haha I'm so addicted to it right now and allows myself to read fan fictions of it from morning till dawn. I also haven't been updating this blog and as well as my thesis because of reading. Ah, I need to stop this or else.....  But no matter how much I restrained myself on it, the more I wanted to have fun and watch and read this anime all over and over again!!! Hahaha! I love it!!!!!

It's nothing really wrong with watching this kind of anime. Watching neither yaoi or yuri does not mean you're already homosexual. I don't really think so. This kind of anime is getting quite a lot of attention now to the media, and enjoying or being entertained by it is what matters the most. Well if you're happy watching it then why should you stop. Right? So yeah I'll recommend all of you to watch this kind of genre too. HAHAHA!


  1. Hey I love this too, it wasn't the first Yuri I watched and wasn't the last but it was the one that got me into the Yuri scene, though now I've strayed and got back to mainstream.

    If you want to watch it in english subs, I'll look for my version and upload it for you. I

    1. wow it's so good to see another fan of this anime too. *cries lol XD
      But seriously nice meeting you. Really? you'll do that? TT.TT I would love to get a copy of those videos too. <3 <3 thank you so much in advance!!! TT.TT

  2. this was also the 1st yuri that i watched, and also, i watched it in ANIMAX. :)
    i never thought it was yuri until i googled it and found out about the genre. the story was quite good. i was cluecless at the first story of it but got hooked to it and i haven't finished it's seasons.

    1. well I hope you'll be able to finish all the seasons! The story was really superb especially the OVAs or the Season 3 :) <3 I love how the writer shows the love between Sachiko and Yumi there >///<

  3. I fell inlove with Sachiko. <3

    1. Oh yes! Lucky Yumi T.T haha! I wonder if there will be season 5 T.T But few years now have passed and there are still no changes and news. *sigh I'm losing hope now.

  4. Wonderful anime, all four seasons. I bought them a while back on DVD and have watched them multiple times since then. I even do a touch of fanfiction writing with this series. Very touchig and gentle story!

    Kind Regards,

    EJ Daniels


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