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Go Kyung Pyo's Career Went Downhill As He Continue To Speak His Mind Without Thinking in Frankly Speaking Episode 2

So it's confirmed that due to the electrocution that happened to Song Ki Baek, it affected his brain that causes him to act out of his personality. The fact that he can speak things that only he meant, he has become an adult who do not lie. This is so freaking awesome in my perspective because not all adults cannot lie because we are all living in lies. lol I mean, there's always hierarchy in our society especially in any workplace, we always try to be that 'role model' to suit any job we wanted. Speaking insincere sweet words and flattery has become a major skill to survive this hierarchy. Most, if not all, adults working could relate to that for sure. This is a sad truth, but yes, even giving respect can become a lie. It's all for survival and we call it 'professionalism' nowadays. This is why I'm amused to what's happening to Song Ki Baek, him speaking only the truth. However, since then, his career is starting to crumble. Not all people are ready

I hate my laptop!!!

Seriously I feel like my laptop has the slowest processor ever!!! DAMMIT, IF only I have lots of money I would have crashed this laptop into pieces.. and buy a SUPER COMPUTER!! that feels like I'm flying because it's fast.. fuck!!! akkk I'm going crazy.. now I have to get a break in order to lessen my angst against my fcking crap laptop.. - - and oh btw my OS is VISTA.. the stupid vista.. *sigh* Even though I wanted to change my OS so badly.. I just can't find the vacant or right time to do so.. because I have lots of things to do on this laptop.. *sigh* Please someone gift me a BRAND NEW laptop.. I would really make LOTS of blog entries in a day if that happens.. LOLOLOL *hoping so bad* XD

Anyways because I'm taking a break... I must calm myself through fandom.. XD
I'm sorry but there's no more SCANDAL.. LOOOOL *cough cough* I mean I have no update for today about SCANDAL :)))
(c) timo of SCANDAL ♫

So.. I'm gonna update about my KPOP fevaaah !!! :))
^I've been addicted to this song of TEAM H with Jang Geun Suk.. dammit he's so HOT!! The tandem between him and the rapper is so awesome.. though their voices are a bit husky which somehow kinda scary.. LOL! but anyways the beat is so catchy and that's why I'm listening to this song the whole time for today. :)) 
addict much..

Are you wondering if there's no Suzy for today? NAAAAH! That will never happen..
Here she is.. photos of her with very captivating smiles.. aaahhhh *fan girl SCREAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMM*


  1. No more SCANDAL? I gotta un-bookmark your website then... Excuse me, I'm going to drool over the SANDAL SHOW Photobook :)

  2. haha as expected few SCANDAL fans are going to make a rant over this.

  3. Wahaha~ I'm cool with this but your AKB48 fandom should not be over.


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