November 12, 2011


I'm going to talk about a random event that happened to me yesterday, If you dont want to read this then don't!! Might as well go to hell.. *cough cough* I mean go somewhere else.. ehem...hmmmmm...

Yesterday's event was one of the awkward things that happened. It was about the moment when I found out who was our professor for subject ________ was. And I told to myself, ha! calm down.. it's just a joke.. my classmates just want to make us nervous.. then my other classmates still asking if it was true.. and they say it was really TRUE.. and I was like WTF!! out in the corner and even stopped myself from playing games..
I don't know if I should be happy or not. :| *straight face!! Then a few time we've waited for our professor to come.. and yes it was him! And I feel like wanted to faint somewhere but he might remember me.. then I said to myself okay let's do this some time..LOL! GAAAAH!!! *A*

Who's that professor? ha!
It was just one of the most terror professor of our college. Well I think they're not proper words to describe him.. hmm.. let me rephrase that.. it should be "It was THE MOST TERROR professor for me on our college. GAWD! I was like WTH!! And you know what! I'm so lucky that professor would teach us not only in one subject, but TWO subjects!! hahaha Arent we lucky?? I'm so happy my knees are shaking, my mind is nowhere, cant speak, cant understand my feelings.. it was just!!! just... *sobs, cries on the corner*

OMG! Honestly speaking he's really scary.. although when he speaks about his thoughts he's actually funny. Our time with him for the 1st time was actually enjoyable even though that I'm nervous I still do enjoy his company on our room. He's totally INTELLIGENT.. and he knows what he is saying and probably later on in this semester we will all nosebleed and will completely blew us away for he's definitely AMAZING!!! He's so INTERESTING! And those praises? ha! They will change to hatred!! I am so sorry for him!! LOOOOL!!! But well I dont know what will happen to this semester with him being our professor for 2 subjects, I hope I can pass him.. If I do, I will completely be happy and totally going to be proud of myself and consider it as an ACHIEVEMENT!!!! I'll do my best, I'm inspired by him although I'm afraid of him.. I want to do my best to impress him.. I just want it.. *prays to God so hard* LOL!

It's a real challenge.. coz he's BIG TIME!! It's been a long time since I've been this scared to a teacher or professor again. And it's really awkward. hmm... please pray for me readers!! :)))) TT^TT

What a good news for you.. if you're an avid reader my blog posts, surely in the future you'll be reading a LOT MORE of it ;) .. BAD NEWS... coz they are all about ONE topic! They are about DEPRESSION!!  HAHAHA LOL!!! Good luck to me and my 2nd semester of this 4th year.

here, let me share you some of my favorite songs lately.. that you guys might find lovely as well ;)
^I actually dont know what's the title of the song. LOL! youtube recommended it to me.. I tried it.. then boom!! playin' it for 2 days now :))

^loved this song because X Factor UK's finalists sang this XD here their performance--->

And good luck for you all too *heart*

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