November 9, 2024

Family by Choice Will Make You Cry Almost Every Episode | Episodes 1-10 Quick Review

Every time I'm watching a new episode of this drama, Family by Choice, there has been no episode that I didn't cry or at least get teary eyed. A lot are saying that the original version, the Chinese version, is far more better than the Korean remake. But since I haven't seen the original one, I'm already contented and enjoying every bits of the Korean remake. I got no complaints at all. The casts were perfect, I can really feel the emotions of each character. 

Personally, I really like Haejun (Bae Hyun Sung) here the most. Even though I watched this with an intent of seeing Hwang In Yeop finally getting his girl in a drama, the character of Hyun Sung really captivated me. I mean, I guess I really like the sporty one instead of the bookworm type of character. kkk 

Both Kim San Ha and Yang Haejun are deep characters. They have a very unfortunate childhood and life in general because of their irresponsible parents. They all have a painful story to tell, however, Haejun's love for Kang Ju Won's dad is just so pure that it melts my heart everytime they're having heart-to-heart conversations. Juwon's Dad (Choi Won Young) is such a softie character as well, he's just warmhearted. Just these two characters alone, make me cry a river already and I just find their connection really beautiful which is probably why Haejun and the dad are very close to my heart more than the other characters. Anyways, we'll see once she became a total lady after San Ha expressed his real feelings for her. 

But of course, I still like Kim San Ha. He's still a cool guy despite his introverted nature. He also possesses a golden heart just like Haejun. But sometimes, it just makes me feel awful how overly kind and pure hearted they really are even to those who wronged them. Drastic example would be Kim San Ha's choice to take care of his selfish mom after abandoning him for 10 years. She literally just came back to get San Ha as her daughter's baby sitter and later due to a car accident, she lost her ability to walk and so San Ha had no choice but to take care of her again just because they're so called 'family'. Sigh. It just infuriates me how San Ha still made this choice. The selfish mom got so unfortunate (probably because she's a meanie in her entire life) and now she had to drag his son into his life after leaving him like a dog on the street when he was a kid. Ugh. 

Anyway, we're already at the adult life of the main characters. Episodes 11-16, we'll witness more of romance to build up around Haejun and San Ha. I'm not really fond of the female characters here more than the male ones but I can probably say that I like Dal. Well, I'm at least rooting for her for Haejun. As for Juwon, she's okay it's just that... she's way too immature for me to like even in her adult years. 

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