April 17, 2024

Lee Bo Young Found Out That Her Father Is Still Alive In Hide Episode 8

Sung Jae is literally the worst husband any woman could get and Moon Young realized it way too late. When Moon Young was feeling sentimental over the old version of Sung Jae that she once knew, I can really feel her sadness. I mean it's so relatable because it could happen to anyone that the person we have loved and thought we knew become someone we no longer recognize. Worst is, they turned out to be the worst version of themselves. 

Moon Young has tried her best to save Sung Jae, despite the obvious bad signs that were becoming prominent as she discovers more of his crimes, because she was holding onto the good memories of him being a good partner, husband and a dad to Bom. I feel so bad for her, she let her guard down because he was her husband. Nobody would know anyways. Sheesh! 

Episode 7, Na Moon Young together with her friend prosecutor Joo Sin Hwa and Do Jin Woo, busted Ha Yeon Joo and Cha Sung Jae's plan to flee with the 80 billion won that they stole. The scene where they got caught was so satisfying especially when Moon Young came into to the scene like a bad btxch hahahaha! It's like saying, "that's what you get for playing me" to Yeon Joo. Sung Jae got corned by Jin Woo too! Best duo!!! 

However, in episode 8, Sung Jae and Yeon Joo's case of stealing the 80 billion budget got dismissed easily because CEO Choi Woo Shik backed out in pursuing the case. The eldest son of Chairman Choi Mu Won was not an ally but an enemy because he's the one who ordered Yeon Joo to hide the chairman. Waaah! Moon Young is in danger for fighting these crazy tycoons! 

This drama is very suspenseful which makes it worthwhile watching. The more episodes unlocked,however, makes the turn of events more complicated. For example, the last scene in episode 8, is Na Moon Young and Ha Yeon Joo sisters are sisters for real? Because they turned out to have the same dad?!!! The father that Na Moon Young thought was already dead was actually alive!!! This is crazy!!! Ha Jae Pil is Na Seok Jin! 

I highly doubt that they're sisters though. Maybe Yeon Joo made Na Moon Young's dad to do dirty work for her. And this is just part of her revenge but what exactly is it thag makes this woman so mad at Moon Young?! Hmmmm... 

Poor Na Moon Young, her dad turned out to have pulled Sung Jae's ridiculous thing about dying in order to save them... wtf! They lied to her and abandoned her  for their own benefits! Waaaah!  

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