January 1, 2024

Shin Hae Sun Stuns Crowd With Her Photography Skills In Welcome to Samdalri Episode 10

Every time Cho Sang Tae's face is on the screen, I instantly get irritated by his sulking face. It's been a while since I've been this annoyed by a male character and it's him for the first day of 2024! kkk Anyways, he gathered all of Yong Pil's clothes in his luggage near the door and boy am I satisfied to see Yong Pil taking all those and finally leave the house. It's about time he moves out! Yong Pil said in this episode that he's already almost in his 40s so, it's long overdue but it's better late than never about moving out of your parent's house in your adulthood. This really isn't a mandatory in Asian family culture but for Yong Pil's case, if I were his friend, I'd definitely recommend this to him. I know, you all be judging me now for being cold hearted towards Yong Pil's dad and situation but still... enough is enough. Yong Pil has to stand on his own especially when his father is being this toxic who can't move on. Sigh, what can we do about it?

As for the face to face meet-up of Jin Dal's family and her husband... waaaaah! The excitement surely is flowing in my veins... these side characters really are giving color to this whole drama, really. I am tuning in to satisfy my curiosity as to how these husband and wife divorced and how they will get back together as the drama progress. (if that's how the story would lead them, ofc) Jin Dal as a character is fun and entertaining to watch and being added with a quirky husband, her life surely is a mess but surely ain't boring at all. The way Jin Dal saves her husband from meeting her dad in the previous episode, shows how much she didn't want to cause both family yet another chaotic problems. And the way her husband protect her from back stabbing people from Namdal-ri, I am pretty much sure that they both still care and love each other. But how will they get back together if Jin Dal's parents are fuming because they've chosen their hometown to become the new place where the theme park would rise? kkkk Good luck to him big time!

Now for the main couple. They really are caught in this push and pull situation, Yong Pil and Sam Dal will keep going through this cycle because they still aren't facing yet the main problem which is their family. It's already out in the open that they both still like each other, but what's next? It's not like they can continue on seeing each other and ignore their feelings all their life. Just hanging out without getting their feelings involved? That's the hardest and stupidest thing to do! They're wasting their youth and time! Ugh! 

Anyways, I'll just let their love story unfold as it is but what I'm crazy about right now is how Sam Dal's gonna crawl back to her profession. It seems like it won't be long that she'll make a grand comeback though. Her skills are still shining wherever she goes, I'm excited to see how her assistant would go insane after Sam Dal's comeback!!

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