July 10, 2023

Yoona And Jun Ho Shared A Passionate Kiss In King the Land Episodes 7 & 8

We are already halfway through the series and so I'm happy that aside from the progress Gu Won made with his relationship with Sa Rang, Gu Won also found himself an ambition. Before, Gu Won was like a happy-go-lucky kind of person and doesn't really care about family business but after he met Sa Rang, this attitude changed. Also, typical for a chaebol character, Gu Won was able to meet the real world because of Sa Rang. He managed to experience and eat a lot of things that a commoner or simple citizen go through. Finally he's a full pledged human being on planet earth. It was indeed a good point in his life that he met someone like Sa Rang. 

That kissing scene though, is something we should talk about. I think they managed to finish a song before the ending credits and ads rolled/popped out. lol Kissing in the rain, who wants that anymore? We're gonna aim that kissing in the sprinkler scenario! kkk 

Other thing that I won't get tired saying every reaction posts I'll publish here is the fact that I envy Sa Rang's friendship. I mean, anyone who has those kinds of friends will never be alone... I assume? Their friendship didn't end when their youth was gone. Actually, all three of them feels like they're forever young with how much they enjoy each other and have some fun whenever all 3 of them are together. Despite the hardships of being a working adult, they still make time to get together. Da Eul for example. She already has a family of her own, managing a work and a household but never forget to visit her two friends to hang out with them. Ain't that a beautiful friendship? huhu 

Speaking of Da Eul, Da Eul's husband is lazy AF! This is one of the reasons why I don't want to get married. Being stuck with an asshole and a lazy bum. Geez, I just really wish that the person I will marry will be the one that I will cherish forever and not regret in the end. Please God, I beg you. 

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