December 3, 2022

Moon Sang Min Becomes The Crowned Prince + Kim Hye Soo Shocked About Royal Physician's True Identity

A few weeks and episodes passed already since my last blog post/quick recap about Under The Queen's Umbrella and finally I have the energy to write another. No, I did not abandon this drama. I just made a break from blogging for a short while as I've become very busy with work but that did not mean that I stopped watching the drama actually. In fact, this drama gave me so much excitement in my dull and tiring work life in a week. lol Especially when Grand Prince Seongnam won the crown and the entrance of the crowned princess in his life. Seriously, they really have great dynamics together. Grand Prince Seongnam is such a serious, quiet, mysterious but innocent type of person while the crowned princess is a playful, bold but has golden heart type of person. The Queen sees these personalities in her and so she chose her for own son. At first, I didn't like the girl but after she stayed and supported Seongnam in the competition (taekhyeon) and after she entered the palace, I truly see that this woman is the support that the new crowned prince would need by his side. Plus, they are very cute together and I am very sure that the crowned princess would be able to teach the crowned prince how to be naughty once in a while in his life. lol You go, girl! 

Okay, now let's look into something deeper and complicated in this drama. Now that the problem about choosing the next crowned prince is over, it's about time that the truth comes out about the true identity of Queen Yoon's son. Dang! Who would have thought that the Royal Physician Kwon O-Gyeong would be her son? He's a damn prince, a royal! I thought he was nothing but a horny physician who impregnated royal consort Hwang. kkk No wonder the royal consort Hwang is so frustrated in wanting to have the crown for his son and become the Queen. It's supposed to belong to them, I suppose they are the true heir to the crown after the late King got murdered. I do not tolerate what the Queen Dowager and the current King did to the past ruler and their lives but what Yoon's poons (Hwang, royal physician, and their son prince uisung) were all wrong to avenge to great people such as the current Queen and her children. They have no right to take another's life in avenging the death of the late King. They could've asked for a better punishment to them but yeah, let's face it the reality sucks. Wrath begets wrath after all and they are living in a very cruel period of time where power consumes everybody and drives everyone mad! Sigh. 

There will be only 2 episodes left! It's the last week this week and I can't wait how this drama would conclude. But what it, just what if, the Queen Dowager and the Queen joined forces against the Yoons? OMG! Won't that be great? Peace within the current royal family? Hmmm... 

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the best series I've seen in a long time. The cast is so talented and the story line is awesome! I hope they have a season 2!


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