November 11, 2022

Kim Hye Soo Threatens Kim Hae Sook In Under The Queen's Umbrella Episode 8

Competition between the princes automatically means competition between the Queen and the royal consorts and so cheating will be inevitable. Of course, the Queen having a huge trust in the capabilities of her own sons, she won't resolve to cheating but these royal consorts will do. The winner shouldn't really come from the results of cheating or else the whole nation will definitely suffer. With this competition alone, we already know who's worthy to become the next crowned prince. 

Anyways, despite the Queen's efforts of preventing cheating, some royal consorts really prepared beforehand out of desperation. They used and dispersed people to find and provide information about the person their sons were looking for in their mission. And we all thought these tactics of the royal consorts were enough to make us annoyed and angry, however Queen Dowager really has no inhibitions when it comes to making our blood boil the fastest. Sigh. Queen Dowager really wanted the crown for Bogeum and tried to eliminate Grand Prince Seongnam by assassinating him. We've been briefed about her grave acts before through the deposed Queen Yoon but witnessing it myself just makes me speechless. She's pure evil, I know that she has conflict with the current Queen Hwaryeong but Grand Prince Seongnam is still her grandson!! Like, WTF?! 

When Queen Hwaryeong found out about Grand Prince Seongnam's failed assassination, she did not hesitate to investigate to get the suspect behind it. Our Queen isn't the typical Queen who is timid that will move behind her enemies back to avenge, she's that type of Queen that is brave enough to confront her enemies face to face. The Queen gifting poisonous fruit to Queen Dowager is a direct threat to her despite wearing a smile as she spoke. She's been sarcastic the whole time. The Queen is like the poisonous fruit that if Queen Dowager bites, she'll die instantly. I think that's what the Queen is trying to convey here, it's like saying "make an attempt again to kill my sons and you'll die in my hands". Something like that. It's funny to see Queen Dowager's reaction to it. hahaha! You go, Queen Hwaryeong! Teach her some lesson!!!

Thankfully, Grand Prince Seongnam is capable in defending himself and thankful for King's preparedness against those who wanted to take advantage of the situation and murder a prince. The King already knew about his mother's capability in killing people so he might have prepared his royal guards for him. Akk seriously, I'm so glad grand prince Seongnam is okay. But may I just point out cool and handsome grand prince Seongnam is during taekhyeon? Omg, I think I really developed a crush towards him. kkk 

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