October 6, 2022

Do Kyung Soo Ain't The Ordinary Prosecutor | Bad Prosecutor Episode 1

I tried to watch Bad Prosecutor mainly because the middle of the week feels to empty without watching and reacting to a Kdrama so I had to fill up my schedule. I really have no expectation from it since it's my first time watching a Do Kyung Soo drama, but guess what? I think I like it! lol 

Basically Jin Jung (Do Kyung Soo) here ain't the typical prosecutor that relies on the conventional practices of law. He gets facts and evidences through threats, fights or just anything illegal (at least he ain't killin' anyone). Because of this, he often times had to write apology letters for his misbehavior. Still, letter after letter, he just continue to do his own ways of watching the real culprit. I know that he has a strong belief for equality or justice but I think it's childish for him not to fully conform to the right process of attaining evidences as a mere employee who have no position at all. I do like him for being himself but I guess I'm reacting this way because I found it too unrealistic to have such person in service under the law. He hasn't been fired for misbehaving? kkk l But maybe the writer has some reasons to that so I'll just shut my mouth and watch further. haha!

May I just point out though how mesmerizing and attractive, Do Kyung Soo's speaking voice is? Dang, I'm completely under his spell the entire episode. At times like this I really wanted to learn Korean because it entices me to speak so sexy like him. Honestly, despite me watching several Kdramas and listening to Kpop, I had no urge to learn Korean language at all. But today was different after watching and hearing Do Kung Soo speaking. lol Perhaps I should start? kkk 

Anyways, Bad Prosecutor has a good start and I'm gonna stick with it for more episodes to see if I can finish it all the way. I hope it will have a very interesting plot for me to stay and react till the end. Oh it's first in the nationwide viewership rating too in the same time slot with 4.3%. That's really nice! 


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