February 10, 2021

Won Jin Ah Misses Rowoon By Her Side In She Would Never Know Episode 8

Like I've been telling in my reviews for the previous episodes, Hyun Seung is someone obsessive over his love that makes him immature. That's what episode 8 clearly manifested with Hyun Seung's ex from the past came back. Look how irritated Hyun Seung became when the girl was pushing herself to him. Then he realized that they were the same, her to him and him to sunbae Song Ah. Phew! Truth hurts, Hyun Seung. 

So that was the reason that made him realize his immaturity and stand point in sunbae Yoon Song Ah's life. Basically, he felt that he was becoming a burden to her because of his love for her. It's brave of him to accept that and do something about it. If not, I would really call him stalker for that. Thankfully, he is sane enough to finally give up on sunbae. Like, finally! 

But then, this drama's plot ain't gonna end there. Yoon Song Ah is longing for Hyun Seung when he didn't do his usual thing to her. At this point we all know she's developing feelings for him, right? And making the tiny bit feelings she has for him blossom is what we'll see in the 2nd half of this drama. Yes! 


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