November 6, 2020

How I Take Notes When Studying Japanese 日本語- Learn Tips and Techniques!

Today I will show you the notebooks I have in learning Japanese Language (日本語). This is how I take down notes. Ways that helped me a lot in remembering kanji words and grammar structure. I hope you'll find this post helpful.

NOTEBOOK 1 (My Personalized Kanji Dictionary)

This is one of my favorite notebooks, because this is where I've written all the Kanji words from N5 to N3 level. I often use this in memorizing the words and it becomes my very own personalized dictionary. You might be thinking that this is insane! Yes I know! (lol) It really took me a lot of time and patience in completing this. But I feel so fulfilled after I finished writing all of them. I did this during community quarantine/lockdown in our place. My major purpose in doing this is because I want to familiarize myself in the stroke orders of each Kanji characters. I find it more effective in memorizing new words whenever I write them. Also it served as my substitute from studying kanji characters when my eyes are tired from using gadgets. This is really a huge help for me in my studies. Also I feel more obligated to review this notebook because of the hardwork that I've put into it. It's a good motivation! (lol)

NOTEBOOK 2 (Grammar Notebook Pt. 1)

This one is my first ever notebook in learning Japanese! I take down notes of all the grammar lessons I come across on the internet. BTW, I'm only learning through self-study, so I use the internet and mobile applications as my resources. I've already used all the pages in this notebook. I've also made a summary of my notes in here to another notebook. I summarized it in a way that it'll be easier for me to remember the conjugations, tenses, negations and more for verbs, な-adjectives, い-adjectives and nouns.

NOTEBOOK 3 (Grammar Notebook Pt. 2)

This is the notebook that contains part 2 of my notes dedicated for grammar structure. There's a lot of grammar lessons to learn and I think I would need more than two or three notebooks for that. 

NOTEBOOK 4 (Summary of Grammar Notes)- conjugations, tenses, negations, te-form, etc

This is the notebook that I'm referring to when I said I have a summary of my grammar notes. In here, I simplified everything and is straight to the point. I simplify them by putting formula that is very easy  to remember. For each grammar points, I've written words and write their corresponding conjugations, negations, tenses and more. 

NOTEBOOK 5 (Sample Sentences) -verbs, na-adjective, i-adjective, noun

Like I said in my previous post, I collect sentences to learn new words effectively through context. This technique helps me to remember the words and their usage in a sentence. Here you'll see  words and their corresponding sentences. On different pages, I wrote their English translation so that I can easily check if I've understood the Japanese sentences correctly. 

NOTEBOOK 6 (Journal)

This is where I write and practice all the lessons I've learned. I write whatever I want in a day all in Japanese. It's my everyday journal so I will no longer show you what's inside of it.

That's it for this post. I hope you have learned a few tips to apply on your studies too. Next time, I'll show you some of my notes.

You may watch a video I made for this post for more information: 

See related post/s:


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