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Byeon Woo Seok Questions Kim Hye Yoon Whether She Came From The Future In Lovely Runner Episode 9

That scene where Im Sol stressed out that she wants Sun Jae to leave her alone was so painful to watch. There's definitely a pang of pain in there for me, what more for Sun Jae though? In his mind, probably, his unrequited love was not desirable and to be pushed away like that makes all of his efforts and sleepless nights thinking about her all wasted. Wasted in a way that he won't know what to do with his overflowing love for Im Sol. In kdrama this is romantic because viewers like us know what exactly is going on between them, but if it were to happen in real life without them knowing anything that's happening then it'll all look so creepy! lol Good thing that it is a Kdrama we're watching. kkk  Anyways, because Sol was completely drunk in that one night in their field trip, she unconsciously sang Sun Jae's song Sonaki. A song that wasn't released or publicly known yet in 2009. Of course, Sun Jae, being that crazy in love with Sol, he would believe everythi

Acchan-baby Laptop!

Yesterday I bought a new laptop! yay and guess what!! I named it Acchan-baby laptop.. Ugh such a long name right? (kinda cheesy too? hell yeah) But anyways the most important thing in that news is the fact that Acchan is finally at home and is part of the family~! XD I just welcomed her yesterday and now we're automatically happy with each other. This is such a great start into a long happy and hopefully everlasting relationship. ww (wtf) We're going to get married I guess after a week. haha /delusions overtaking/

My Acchan-baby laptop.. seriously, our encounter was pure love at first sight. hahaha! I know at the very beginning when I was choosing which one I should buy at the first store I came in... My eyes were already caught by this laptop. We tried to look at other shops but then again my mind and heart was already set into this. This was perfect for me. Although the prize isn't that perfect (of course expensive ones aren't perfect ww) but the specs are already enough for me to sustain my demanding architectural needs in working.

So here's the specs for my newest baby. Heeh

(September 7 is the birthdate of my newest laptop.. gotta make a note for that! ahhh)
Just so you know, this computer is just a gift for me for my birthday that came from dad. lol Thank you very much dad for giving me money! ww  I love you.

Welcome to the family my wonderful Acchan-baby laptop. I'll love you for the rest of your life lol

Isn't it beautiful? ww Love love

And to complete the whole package hee


  1. Wohoo, You got new laptop. How nice.. Btw, did you know acchan gonna be in domoto kyoudai? I can't spot squealing over this news.. Don't know when it will be on air though. I miss my atsumina moment~


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