April 26, 2013

Maeda Atsuko's Website and Fan Club

I've forgotten that it was the opening of Atsu's fanclub yesterday. I've read about it before but totally lost the information because I was too busy. Yeah currently doing interviews/exams for some firms at different places, and it was totally tiring. But it was a fun experience though.

Anyways, have you guys explored her site already? When I opened it last night I totally forgot who I was. Damn those pretty shots of her. So stunning! 

Sad though, I can't join her fanclub yet, because I've heard that it needed a japanese address to complete the  registration. I hope her management will open her fanclub to overseas fans as well. They should aim international too. Okay no matter how disappointed I am for not able to join, I'll just wait for my chances in the future. My love for Atsu won't waver just because of this. Nyaha.

Check out her website. Maeda Atsuko's official website

If you can register on her fanclub, that's better!

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