September 22, 2012

Lovely and Breath-taking, Takahashi JAPAN!

Hello everyone! = = errm...right now at this very moment I still have no sleep.. and I'm about to faint now.. so this blog entry should end here.. Bye!


Just kidding, see? Even my jokes are lame. Hahaha! Yeah no sleep means lame jokes.  OTL

Last blog entry I talked about how I'm sooo hooked up with Takahashi Japan right? Guess what!? I've improved! Totally fallen under her spell now! XD Shiz this is difficult to handle, my Atsuko might get jealous.. pwahaha. Sorry Atchan, we need to share for a while okay? Don't be selfish!! Go drink with Takeru! LOL Just kidding I'll kill that Takeru laterz okay? -_- Hurmm..

These photos I'll be sharing will be tremendously killing ones. So please, be prepared mentally and emotionally.. I have warned you so don't blame me if you can't handle that too much kawaiiness from the great TAKAHASHI JAPAN!!!
Shin Domoto Kyoudai (Sept. 16)

Mujack (Sept 21)

Bonus kawaii deadly Takamina pikkus..
^This pic! I can't... (T.T) love love love love love. Goddess!!!! 
 Gahd!! So adorkable.. I really love you Takamina! [love love] 

Ahh I'm wishing Atchan was able to watch her hubby's shows.. and witness how glorious she has become. Well in the eyes of Atchan, Takamina is perfect from the very beginning so there really is nothing to worry about these two actually. Though I bet Atchan has become more intimate with Taka with her outrageous transformation. Ahhh.. kissu kissu!! chup chup! LOL I'm imagining always that Atchan is always giving Takamina a call after an airing of her show and then.. inviting her to come to her house.. and there all the miracles happen. XD agh I wanna witness that! Shiz.. We need to capture those moments of them being HOME ALONE together.. arrrr.. *nosebleed* and then we'll release that as DVD then boom! All Atsumina shippers had gone wild. lalalala ~~~ [heart]

I miss my ATSUMINA already.. sigh...

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