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Jang Ki Yong Discovered Chun Woo Hee to be Present in his Unforgettable Memory of the Past In The Atypical Family Episode 5

The latest episode of the Atypical Family was really good! I didn't expect that twist about Da Hae telling the truth about that fire incident in her school, Seonjae Girls' High School. The time where I-na was born and the fire incident happen where Gwiju kept on coming back, the person that got stocked at the 5th floor storage of Seonjae Girls High School was none other than Do Da Hae. Wow!  Finding out that she has an awful past made me sympathize with her. I swear, I got so pissed off by her in this episode because she always uses her pity card with Gwiju just to get away from getting busted with her lies. But after that last scene, everything got washed away. lol I mean, she's really pitiful but I know that this shouldn't be an excuse for her to do something evil like deceiving people to gain wealth. As per I-na's vision of her thoughts, Da Hae's biological mom didn't care about her, her father died as an alcoholic, then a loan shark who asked payment for

Top 5 Highly Paid AKB48 Members

So who in here wants to know about this? I was greatly shocked when I saw this news.. I don't know if it is accurate but it was reported just May 8, 2012. So yeah, I guess this is really updated.

Here's the source for the news just in case you have doubts. LOL!  http://entameblog.seesaa.net/article/269058176.html

Let's start this!
#1 Obviously, who would not think that the ACE (Atsuko Maeda/Acchan) is the no. 1 highly paid member? Seriously?
Hahaha! Aside from the promotions from AKB48 group, she's also active on different dramas and other television programs. She's also a highly paid commercial artist in Japan and is part of a huge number of magazines. So there is no wonder about the no. one spot for this category. XD
ANNUAL INCOME: 40 Million Yen
#2 To tell you all honestly, I was quite shocked to see Mariko Shinoda at the no. 2 spot! I thought it was Yuko since she's also considered as a highly paid artist when it comes to commercials just like Acchan. And well she's also no. 2 at senbatsu election 2011 so I was thinking that she gets quite a lot of project offers. Oh well, I guess it's all based on the type of projects right? And the earnings .. hmm...
ANNUAL INCOME: 38 Million Yen

Despite having the place of no. 8 from the previous Senbatsu election, Tomomi Itano still beats Yuko Oshima when it comes to being highly paid member.
Itano being signed as part of Samantha Thavasa as endorser as well as under a mobile company sure does give great moneeeyy... 
ANNUAL INCOME: 35 Million Yen

#4 Here comes Yuko Oshima. Oh.. hmm... mmm... Still congratulations for having such money being earned! *A*
ANNUAL INCOME: 30 Million Yen
#5 and tadaaaaa-daaaann~~~ Look who's at no. 5!!!!!!!
It's KojiHaru!! Wow she may be acting air-headed but hey she's earning huge amount of money among all of you smarty-pants! XD
Aside from being known as a fashionista she's also active in taking parts on different CMs.
ANNUAL INCOME: 30 Million Yen

KojiYuu having the same annual income.. fufufu.. sounds interesting.. *evil grin* 


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  1. i didnt know their incomes are that high... dayummmmmmm~


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