January 23, 2012

2pm (The Hottest) Fever

While doing my plate for Olympic Stadium, Being a fan girl isn't a hindrance! LOL! OMG, I just love doing everything in design subject while listening to my favorite artists. Yeah I'm not listening to SCANDAL for a few months now. T^T I dunno why, maybe I'm too much obsessed with them.. that i ended up over them?? NOOOO!! Dont worry I'm still a huge fan of SCANDAL band.. although I think this time I'll lie low for the moment.

I was listening to 2pm again, searching them in youtube again.. OMG!! I never thought that I already missed out a lot of MUSIC VIDEOS from them.. I was totally shocked with few of them.. They are really the HOTTEST!!! I'm proud to be fan..
Let me share some of my favorite NEW videos that I recently watched.

CHANSUNG and TAECYEON!!! are my favorite on this Music video of them "I'm your man"! Oh yes you guys are all my man!! Dont you guys worry!! I'm all yours!! LOOOOL! Chansung and Taecyeon are fitted to wore those black suits.. OMG they are sooo handsome and sooo HOT!! gaaaaaah!! LOL! and when they dance with those black suits made me scream soooo loud!! :)) Seriously, they are more fitted to dance with such suits MORE THAN super juniors.. 2PM! Fighting!!! *heart*

I really like seeing 2pm members on a formal suits, especially the black ones.. I think they are really suited to such  clothing.. I find it really manly!! TRULY the HOTTESTS!!

On the other hand, It's also my 1st time to see this video which 2PM solo member Chansung is featured in other artist's music video! augh.. He's so handsome yet was a BAD guy in this music video (below). He's so manly, I really like bad boy personality.. LOOL~

sigh.. 2pm! FIGHTING!! I just love these guys, It'll be better if Jay Beom still is there though.. sigh.. I miss 7 members of 2pm.. *heart*

oh btw, these are my favorite members of  2pm.. why? because for me they are the real HOTTEST member,, they are cute, handsome and has a perfect body (uwaaaa) .. PERSONALITY? idk much of it.. but they are really funny and somehow likable, although there are some rumors about their worst personalities except for Khun because he's really kind on and off cam.. wiii...
that's taecyeon, chansung and nichkun from left to right..
aigoo.. they are soo hot, I just can't express how much I love these guys.. they are the perfect bad-guy model for me.. love it!


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