December 11, 2011

SCANDAL MAGIC: 1st anniv celebration (Photo Editing Competition)

The celebration already started, and few photos from Zippo Girls also participated. haha! awesome co-incidence.
Photo editing contest for Scandal Magic's 1st year anniversary competition started December 3, and has ended yesterday Saturday at 12:00 mn.
I'm quite happy with the result of the contest, even though there are only a few no. of people who participated, they made us really proud and gave us a hard time choosing what's the best!!
Awesome competitive works us admins saw.. and we're really happy that they participated. :)

Because I'm happy with the result, I decided to feature all works in here. But of course only the winner still get the other awards :D
And of course the main "icon" for this blog entry should be from the WINNER's photo entry on the competition.. yes the ADMINS of Scandal Magic, had a hard time picking who's the best design...
but here's our winner!
 Okay, what can I say.. this actually is awesome for me. I think the simplicity of designs and the way she played with the colors are so great. haha I find it really cute and lovely.. :D very awesome work patrice!
A very impressive work!!!
I'll talk to you regarding the other prizes!
(See the tally of votes from the admins in the lower part of this blog entry)

actually she(Patrice) made 2 entries, which is not against the law. LOL! it's a legal one.. and i'm impressed with both works..thanks for the 2 entries!!

and of course here are the other competitive artists that participated, I think you guys did a JOB WELL DONE!! Better luck next time, yet at least you guys proved how amazing your skills are in photo editing :)

from Park Eun Che
1st time I saw this work, I was really amazed. :) 
the used of few photos and some special effects made it very nice!

From Borghie Quilala
This entry was the other one that battles within the top 2 that admins picked...because of the clean and great special designs/effects that were incorporated.

From Tihamer Boc
a very simple yet beautiful design. :)

and another entry from Tihamer submitted in less than 20 mins before the end of the competition.
thanks for your hardwork and submitting 2 entries!! :)

From Shane Turingan Sapno
This photo was not really submitted inside the Scandal Magic page, haha! I kinda laugh on that, coz it was submitted on the other page. Luckily... I saw it. :))) or maybe lucky you shane! :))
anyways, still a nice work from you! ;)

From Mazumi Miyazaki
The 1st time I saw this, i was impressed! It's totally cute for me, and I love the way the designer played with the letters of SCANDAL as well as the photos of scandal :)

and of course last but not the least.. 
From Chaarusu Cruz
a very splendid nice work! :)

I say ALL of the entries are SOOOOOOOO GREAAAAT!!! 
Really made us give the hardest decision ever for this week!!! OMG!
HAHA! Thanks for those who have participated! You guys are awesome which makes you SPECIAL!

Here's the TALLY of votes
2 admins voted for Borghie's photo entry..
and 3 admins voted for Patrice's photo entry..
1 admin haven't voted due to busyness and out of connection (LOL)
A very close fight! :)

go here for more info for the competition: 

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