December 16, 2011

Get to know the admins of Scandal Magic (1st batch)

Because it is Scandal Magic's 1st anniversary.. Let all of us get to know more about us. The beginning of the page as well as the admins :D
let's first start knowing my co-admin Izumi (Our newest and youngest member of the Scandal Magic family)
and here are her words:

Konnichiwa, SCANDALovers! Admin Izumi is here! Ogenki desuka? Anatamo genkini site kudasai~ Anyway, let me introduce you about myself first~
   My name is Izumi(I won't revealing my real name, sorry for that..><), a 14 years old girl(15 next year) and I'm from Malaysia. I have a brother but no sister. I was born on Oct. 6th(SCANDAL Nanka Buttobase release date!! yay!) and I'm a Buddhist. I understand Thai, English, Malay, a little bit of Japanese and Korean.^^ I'm also a BIG FAN of J-POP(SCANDAL, SID, Alice Nine) and KPOP(SHINEE, SNSD, SuJu and BEAST).   I've been a SCANDALovers since 3 years. It started when I was watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. I was intrested in their 4th ending theme(Shunkan Sentimental). So, I went to surf on the Internet to know who is the singer and I found out it was SCANDAL. I try to listening to their other songs and I got intrested with it too. I also sometimes sings out my lungs and my mom scolded me for being noisy(LOL). Since that day, I call myself as a SCANDALovers and keep update to it.   I also meet other SCANDALovers too and we talk about our favourite member. Everyone has their own favourite member in their favourite group/band right? So does I am. 

My favourite member among the SCANDAL band is Haruna Ono, or also know as Haru, the leader of SCANDAL band. The reason why I like her is she have an amazing voice and a beautiful look. She also have a powerful and deep voice that always leads their song.   But this doesn't mean that i dislike the other members. I love all the members in the band. ^^  Let me tell you how do I feel about being admin in Scandal Magic. Being admin is not that easy as you think unless you co-operate as a team to make a better page. The job of an admin is to post photos,videos or anything, reply to some of the people questions, treat the people nicely. Yup something like that. But not to forget, update the page often. That is the most important task of an admin.    
 I think that's all I would like to say! And do share our page! Happy Scandal Magic 1st Anniversary everyone!! Cheers~ ^^ 

Bye for now!
Admin Izumi~

next! here's admin zidaine's words:

I never knew or saw myself becoming an administrator of any fan page, but it just happen one day that my bestfriend ask me if I want to become an admin of her fan page, Scandal Magic, since I knew a few things about Scandal.  Without having a second thought, I said yes because I want to experience how an administrator of a fan page feels when managing the page.  And then I started my job by posting different trivia’s on our fan page, interacting with members and other administrators and it’s just fun.  I also do some covers of songs of Scandal, if I remember; I do a cover of two of their songs, which are Scandal Baby and their version of Don’t Say Lazy.

Pride suddenly played in my playlist, just want to share guys :)

But it’s just a week or two and then I became inactive with the page, but I still find some time to get in touch with it.  And right now, I became somewhat a ghost administrator of the page, I only post seldom but rather I became the designer of the fan page, I mean, when our head admin ask me to do a banner design for certain event happening in our page or if there is a need of changing our display photo.

It’s been a while since I became an admin of this group, and now, our first anniversary is nearly coming.  I hope that our group, the fan page will continue to bring happiness with our members and subscribers and help us continue to spread the awesomeness and magic of Scandal. 

With my co-administrator, Kei, Mimi, Aeon, Ab and the newest Izumi, its fun to be working with you, I’m looking forward that in the near future we can meet each other and then just hang out, talk about Scandal stuffs and if possible jam some song of Scandals.  And if ever, we can do a convention for our fan page, so that we, the administrators and the members can meet in person.  I know for now it’s impossible, or even in the future, it is still impossible, but who knows, one day this might became a reality.

And if ever I find sometime, I’m going to cover again some of their songs and then I’ll post it in the fan page, but right now it’s nearly impossible, but in time I will.

Here are the few more photos from the last Virgin Hall Tour [BABY ACTION]
credits to SCANDAL-THAI FAN for the PHOTOS :D

Full story behind Scandal Magic's 1st year and other admins will be posted next!!

1 comment:

  1. wow...admin izumi birthplace,religion and even b'day is same as me :D


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