October 18, 2011


How I wish I was a member of this club. Yeah it's the official SCANDAL fan club!! I might say being a member of this official fan club really holds a SCANDALOUS experience.. aside from being exclusively acknowledged by Scandal, every year they are also holding special concerts/live for them.. EXCLUSIVE FOR ONLY SCANDAL MANIA members!!! Sigh lucky people.. OH NO! wait that's not the end about how lucky being a scandal mania member is.. oh no not yet.. here's to make you MORE jealous! :))
first.. of course as we all know.. they have this MEMBERSHIP card which shows that you are a "special" fan of SCANDAL.. yeah coz you're part of the club,, the card looked like this!! This membership card or the MEMBERS have benefits of FREE birthday card and 3 magazines every YEAR. Not bad at all! The fact that those are NOT the only benefits.

and well yeah the card includes your membership no.

aside from the membership card.. they also have this SCANDAL MANIA BOOK/Letterzine! and other SCANDAL MANIA goodies (which i think is also available at kitty web store, BUT SOME GOODS are EXCLUSIVE ONLY FOR THEM)
like these ones!!

SCANDAL MANIA official book VOL. 1

SCANDAL MANIA official book VOL. 2

SCANDAL MANIA official book VOL. 3

SCANDAL MANIA official book VOL. 4

here's another one... TICKETS for lives?? ha! if you're a member then you are a PRIORITY!!! tickets are available ahead of time for them!! awesssuuuummmmm!!! TT^TT 

Other than those things.. here's one more thing!

when you think noone loves you, you have no special treatment for your birthday.. then SCANDAL MANIA will make your special day PERFECT and feel LOVED! as they will send you birthday cards.. showing your name and membership no. together with SCANDAL's "INSTANT" AUTOGRAPH!!!
my goodness, you dont need to fall in line on the handshake event or autograph sessions.. all you have to do is wait for your SPECIAL BIRTHDAY!! uwaaaaa *A*

why do I feel like life is unfair?? TT^TT LOL! just kidding!! XD
Birthday cards are like these ones..
^yeah that's the official address of SCANDAL MANIA office.. so if you want to send mail or anything.. you can do so.. LOL! or even CALL!!! :)

LOTS OF gooooodiiieeeessss!!! and benefits.. whew.. I wish I could be a member as well..
If anyone's interested here's some info for you
Of course to have so much benefits from the fan club, you need to pay a fee for the membership! My last news about the fee is that when it's your first time getting a membership.. it would only cost you 1,000 yen and the big problem with money would be your annual fee and for the renewal of your membership (to stay on the club)... my last news about it was that the annual fee was about 4.000 yen..so in short if it's your first time to get a membership it would cost you a TOTAL of 5,000 yen...

I dont know if those fees are still the same with this year.. so It would be much better to actually go to the official site of SCANDAL MANIA. :)

So then! That's it for today.. I hope I've helped you guys to boost up your jealousy over the members... *cough* I mean.. I hope I convinced you guys to JOIN the club.. LOL

GOOD LUCK on your journey on joining if you're not Japanese or not from JAPAN.. But this might help: http://www.celga.com/<-- they can help you with such matters. 

THANKS for reading!


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  1. gah! i shouldnt have read this, im getting envious to those who are in the club XD oh how i wish i am a member ahaha. Thanks for the share :D

  2. kei kun how do i use e second website ???

  3. man this sucks, now i wanna go japan and sign up 2 scandal mania sooo dam bad. for scandal im willing 2 pay any amount of money.

  4. Why be unfair world??! WHY??!
    Hahaha! Well, it'd be much better if SCANDAL MANIA was more open to the world.

    I would have saved my money, and join.. xD

    Anyway, thanks for posting this and making us jealous! ^^

  5. 5 000 ¥ is close to $82

  6. wtf! it's my dream to have one of this memberships
    lol....want to go to japan right now
    thanks for the info ;)

  7. I want to be in the club! How will I join? ><


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