October 17, 2011


woot! you guys thought that I will never make this blog post ever?? haha nahh.. dont worry I do what I promised the only problem is that I make it on the "right time" (yes, the time when im not lazy) *cough i mean when I got nothing else to do.. coz you know.. Im a really busy person.. HAHA LOL!

so then let's start this post all about our TOMOMI OGAWA. For those who've almost kill themselves because of too much wait they suffered, Im sorry.. but lucky you guys I made it earlier than expected, coz I might have done this next year If none messaged me about TOMOMI's article..HAHA!

okay here it is.. let's start with the datum that are already available around the net.. those basic things we should know.. about TOMO


Name: Ogawa Tomomi
Instruments: Bass & Vocal
Birthday: 1990/05/31
Birthplace: Hyogo Prefecture
Blood type: A
Height: 157 cm

TOMOMI, the bass and writer of majority of their songs. Like HARUNA, she also dreamed of becoming a dancer but rock n’ roll opened a new path. Her dancing skills can be observed while performing with her amazing and graceful movements despite the fact that she is carrying a huge bass. TOMOMI has a very sweet and kinda “chipmunky” voice that is easy to like, together with HARUNA, their voices becomes a very perfect combo. She’s also the one that usually leads in solo parts of their songs.

• Draws the worst among the group.
• Her favorite food are strawberry and nata de coco.
• Her least favorite food are carrots and melon.
• Most playful in the group and loves to goof-around.
• Has piercings on her left ear.
• Graduated from Hyogo Perfecture(兵庫県), Kakogawa's high-school(加古川南) at 2009-2-27.
• Named her Bass Masaya-kun and later changed it to Yuusuke-kun

yeaaah! OLD FACTS already, but still enjoyable to read. haha 

so then let us know what do the other SCANDAL members think of TOMO-chwan..

RINA said: She may look like there’s not much to her, but she can do anything so well that it just makes you jealous.  And I like the lyrics she writes. (laugh)
HARUNA said: She’s highly skilled, not shy at all, trusting when she should be trusting… You see all of this, and it makes you jealous.
MAMI said: It’s no exaggeration to say that she and I are always together, and our personalities are similar.  We’re free spirits.  We’re really compatible, and think a lot alike.
Now well because Im the blogger, I have the right to tell my thoughts, of course! If you dont like my thoughts then get the hell out of here! HAHA! just kidding.. oh well..
TOMOMI OGAWA for me is the heart <3 of SCANDAL band, without her, for sure the band will not be the same (same goes with the others) but well.. tomo is different is many ways.. She's so likable that I would really kill anyone who hates her. LOL she's the one making the whole scandal band's mood into a very enjoyable atmosphere. Yes, I believe she's childish,kind a slow (haha) and not as mature as Haruna but it's really fun to actually see them collide.. the members I say. Tomo is such a beautiful person from inside and out (Im not saying the other members are not) but as what I've observed tomo's all around, she can set up the mood, ride a joke of someone else and just enjoy.. she's very talkative and friendly too (as other scandal members said) and as what i've seen in some interviews and lives I've watched.She can even talk with people with different languages. I just love her! She's so awesome and good. I love this childish bassist.. cant explain more and clearer why.. > < 
and If we talk about how awesome she plays the bass.. *explodes* well all of us know how EPIC she is.. 


SCANDAL’s secret heart-to-heart Q&A: Who among you is the most problematic?
Haruna: 1, 2, 3! (Tomomi won with majority of votes) Tomomi ne…well, it’s nothing bad yeah, but she’s the person who has stuff happen to her the most, mostly during our lives. Recently there’s none but sometimes, the bass & sound system would get disconnected, and in the end there won’t be any sound. So it’s mostly revolving around Tomomi ne.

SCANDAL’s secret heart-to-heart Q&A: Any member whose habits bug you?
Haruna: 1, 2, 3! (Tomo wins again LOL.) In the end, it’s the falling asleep thing again yes?
Mami: Falling asleep is one thing, but then there are these actions you just can’t understand. About Tomomi, she has this knee thing. Don’t know if there are air-pockets inside or something but every time she sits like this…she’ll lift up her leg until there’s a “tok” sound.

Tomomi: Hmm about my knees…I feel like there’s air inside or something. Although I don’t know what is it, but hmm…it’s a habit I guess. Do I do it on a plane? Even if it’s in a very crammed space or in a place where I can’t stretch my legs, I will just keep squishing to the back, trying to straighten my legs.
SCANDAL’s secret heart-to-heart Q&A: Who has the most childish personality?

SCANDAL’s secret heart-to-heart Q&A: Who has the biggest appetite?
SCANDAL(Tomo wins again with the most votes.)
Haruna: When it comes down to the appetite, it’s Tomomi after all. Isn’t it like that? …Do I eat that much? On some days maybe.

 -----------courtesy of their interview from Taiwan interview.. translation is accredited to fuckyeahscandalband on tumblr.

Tomo's favorite hero: Sailor Moon
Tomo's favorite season: Summer
Tomo's favorite color: Red
Tomo's favorite event of the year: Christmas

Snoozing her alarm for 1 hour before waking up. 
After sneezing she always say the word "ju".
So then here are some of the memorable videos for me of TOMO, and I hope theyy will be memorable to you guys as well.. I hope you guys will see how beautiful TOMO really is as a person in SCANDAL band.. and how likable and AWESOME she really is.. <3
remember this concert in Hongkong?? It was their first time in the said country.. yet haha tomo is so funneehh LOL! she's being herself.. and i love it. 
as I've remember the name SCANDAL SUSHI (Hongkong's SCANDAL fan club) was made because of TOMO asking if they like sushi (for million times lololol XD)..<-- correct me if im wrong??.. and I love how she asks do you love me?? and then replies back to the audience "I love you" uwaaaaa!!! tomoooo is lllooooove! we love you too tomo! dont forget about us! HAHA!

EPIC performance of HI-HI-HI on temptation box tour.
*speechless* at TOMO's solo!! *A*

just like I've said, tomo really is always her self, and she's the one who sets up an enjoyable and funny atmosphere even if she's not on her own country. Even if she's in front of anybody,, I bet she'll always be the funny one. haha 
And Im sure, wherever you put or locate TOMO she'll still be laughing haha!! crazy tomo. 
EPIC T-U-W-I-S-T!!! hahahahaha!! I <3 u tomooooo!! :)) you're so adorable!! hahahah LOL *cough* 
and here's the PHOTO SECTION!

AT THE THIRD PICTURE!! that one actually contradicts my description about her hahahaha! but oh well it's just a picture and I think they're making a sign like that not to say fck u or something hahaha it's a sign of ROCK? i believe? Have seen many rock bands even RnB artists from the western to do such a thing...though it really is not a good thing to do tomo, and tell that to other scandal member band.. it does not really rock... but YOU TOMO!! ROCKKKKSSSS!!! yeah... it's just all about that... LOL!!
*oh just look how happy she's doing that* I LOVE YOU TOMO! HAHAHA!

and here are some photos which shows TOMOMI's mannerism.. which is totally overly CUUUUTE!! KYAHAA! :3


 this picture down here actually is really funny for me.. hahaha tomomi what are thooooose?? hahaha oh well.. that guitar strap was not it's first time to be seen in public.. it actually came earlier than this pic below.. still this is the 1st time for it to actually caught my attention.. haha this is so cute tomo.. are those your lucky charms? LOL!
but of course after ending this blog entry.. how can this be complete without telling something about my favorite funny DUO??? yeah the DOBONDOBONDO... hahaha! they really love to rap.. and this duo for me is the best to set up the enjoyable and funny moments in SCANDAL.. i just love them! haha hopefully they'll get an album for this duo LOL! I wonder what will happen if that actually got into action.. 

and that's it.. this blog entry for tomo, i'll be updating this as much as I can.. so that.. I'll be sharing info about her as day passes by.. so make sure to always come back to see updates ;)


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  1. WOW i learned some new super fun facts about tomo lol.
    those, THOSE expressions! ahaha thanks for sharing! as always :D

  2. love the 'knee thing habits'...and also TUWIST!!!!haha...

    thanks for sharing...from TOMO die-hard-fan(^^)

  3. I never knew Tomomi has a tattoo? Does anyone know what it is and are there any pics? Seriously curious about this one.

  4. nice post kei...keep it up.....i want to have that strap...haha

  5. Thank for posting about Tomo on my birthday. Indeed a special birthday 'present' I had. :)

  6. I love Tomomi and really enjoy your blog. However, Tomo doesn't have a tattoo on her shoulder. You have more than enough pics to see that. Somebody just saw that Caless pic and came up with it. Please correct your article. Otherwise, a good read! Thanks!!!!!

  7. ╔══╗

  8. awesome blog.. i enjoy reading and watchin videos.. its my first time watchign that "Scandal Sushi".. i love tomo so much.. hahaha.. so adorable.. thanks again kei.. :)

  9. are going to post info about eisuke-kun? how did he end up to be scandal's manager?

  10. tank yea guys about this post i do really like TOMO alot ...

  11. somebody helps me i going to be crazy about this TOMO TOMO TOMOmi ...!

    miyaw ......! <( @_@ )>


    <3 from TOMOMI FREAK!!!!!!!!!


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