I've been very addicted to X-factor lately.. and because the show only airs on weekends.. yeah you just dont know how i pray that it's always weekend in a WEEK.. ehem.. does that make sense? LOL! But seriously i am so into this competition.. and yup;.. my bet for this competition would be the one and only JANET DEVLIN!!! *heart*
Gawd, she's soooo adorable and her voice really sounded like an angel.. she's only 16 yet she've become this amazing singer. You can really feel every word she's singing.. and it's toooootally amazing.. I love her!! *heart* and her personality is also likable.. uwaaa i'll support you all the way JANET!!
you know what i'm saying when you watch her sing.. GAAAH janet you're the best for me!! Please WIN the competition.. I'll do my best spreading your name! ;) coz yeah I cant vote. LOL
well i tried to find a video in youtube that can be embedded.. but yeah i think they are all prohibited.. anyways you can go to TheXFactorUK official youtube account to see more!
her 2nd round for the bootcamp.. audition.. :) her own rendition of aerosmith's I dont wanna miss a thing.. oh janet.. you're soooo amazing <3
here's her performance for qualifying Kelly's "GIRLS" group.Singing Christina Aguillera's Beautiful
and this one here is her performance for their 1st Live Show.. singing Fix you original song of Coldplay.. and I would say she completely eaten my by her beautiful voice.. gawd.. I love how she sings it with her own rendition.. watching her sings makes me seeing an angel performing.. such a wonderful performance!!!
congrats Janet! ;)
and lastly and the latest performance from Xfactor Uk.. it's her performance from their Live show 2. which she sang Cant Help Falling In Love with you.. original song of Elvis Presley and yeah she nailed it!! I sooo love her own arrangement of it.. It was totally beautiful and very captivating.. GAAAH! i so love Janet's voice.. so adorable! *heart*
her 2nd round for the bootcamp.. audition.. :) her own rendition of aerosmith's I dont wanna miss a thing.. oh janet.. you're soooo amazing <3
and this one here is her performance for their 1st Live Show.. singing Fix you original song of Coldplay.. and I would say she completely eaten my by her beautiful voice.. gawd.. I love how she sings it with her own rendition.. watching her sings makes me seeing an angel performing.. such a wonderful performance!!!
congrats Janet! ;)
and lastly and the latest performance from Xfactor Uk.. it's her performance from their Live show 2. which she sang Cant Help Falling In Love with you.. original song of Elvis Presley and yeah she nailed it!! I sooo love her own arrangement of it.. It was totally beautiful and very captivating.. GAAAH! i so love Janet's voice.. so adorable! *heart*
For more NEWS personally from Janet Devlin, visit her account:
for twitter freaks:
youtube account:
and here's her Facebook official fan page:
sigh.. sorry I'm not a stalker..LOL! I'm just a FAN. :))
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