January 13, 2024

Na In Woo Is Also Living His 2nd Chance At Life In Marry My Husband Episode 4

To be able to have a second chance at life, I don't know if I should take it positively or negatively. I guess it's good for someone like Ji Won who was extremely kind yet so foolish when it comes to judging people's characters and never got everything she deserved because it was always stolen from her or more like she let her friend stole it from her. For someone like Ji Won, she deserves a second chance if we'll see it out of sympathy but I bet to those who possessed a strong will and heart, they see Ji Won as someone who lived to waste her own life. I know a lot of people can relate to Ji Won's life before with how they please everybody, letting their loved ones/friends/family take over their lives and then pooof! their lives ended and they haven't been able to choose what they wanted for their own. I think that's why this drama is getting a lot of popularity.. because it's relatable to any kinds of people. Maybe not all are a people pleaser/conforming to everybody but all of us makes bad decisions and are suffering from the consequences of it/them so it's all relatable to us. We ain't perfect after all. kkk

But, for Yoo Ji Hyuk... for someone who regretted a lot because of the sufferings his 'crush; went through her life, is that enough to give him a second chance? Hmmm... I guess for this story, yes, because if not... we won't have a story to watch. lol Looking at the drama, I'm happy that Ji Won will have that someone who will support her through the changes, good changes, in her 2nd life. After all, for someone like her who had lived like conforming to others are a normal thing, who cannot decide for herself, then she really needs someone who will guide and teach her how to contradict all of this and live differently. But that's just second to her deciding for herself. Like how she did when she helped Yoo Hee Yeon in the public toilet, reaching out to her to have a grand make over, literally being friends with her. It's because of that decision that she's able to experience a brand new world.

As for the b'tch of the story. Geez, not only is she an as'hole and a complete sc'mbag, she also is a complete thief. Imagine keeping someone like Soo Min in your life! Dang, how unfortunate! This girl is a snake. She'll act as if she's your loyal friend who can't live without you but behind you, she'll do everything to pull you down to the point of not being able to stand up/recover. This btch really has some grudge towards Ji Won. She's probably envious of her and get her insecurities emerge on the surface. This is why envy is a sin.... Soo Min, I hope to see your end soon! I hope I'll get satisfied with your sufferings. lol 

Anyways, back to Ji Hyuk. He's also given a second chance just like Ji Won but they both don't know about each other's 2nd chances at life. This is why they are both limited with what they can do about each other. Hmmm... and what if they found out soon?! I can't wait for their reactions!!! yay! 

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