
June 9, 2024

Jang Ki Yong's Mark on His Neck Appeared, a Sign For Him to Commence His Mission in The Atypical Family Episode 11

Da Hae shared with Gwiju already the dream of his mom about him dying. He was trying to make light of the situation at first but later on when he sees his family happy again after being 'saved' by Da Hae in their respective miseries, his emotions changed. Obviously, he's happy about his family changing but thinking about that dream manifesting into reality, he probably can't help but get worried whether he'll survive it or not. One thing is for sure though, he was happy seeing everyone happy and it'll be his pleasure to die for all of them. 

This is exactly what I really am looking for in a Kdrama, tbh. The characters we met from day 1 were also the characters we saw developments to the end. There's no wasted character at all! It's beautiful watching such kind of Kdrama where the story doesn't only revolve around 2 people. This is probably why I loved The Atypical Family, it has that kind of vibe where all characters were used and developed throughout the series. 

My favorite character development here was definitely Bok Dong Hee. Girly really did it! She can now fly again and broke free from the words that's weighing her down. It is only herself that restricts her from feeling light after all. Da Hae's fake mom's development was my next favorite, she changed from a scammer to a real mom to Da Hae. She loves her now more than money. Bok mom's development was my 3rd favorite and I-na too! Waaah it's amazing to witness all of them grow and become the best version of themselves. Beautiful!

Anyways, the mark on Gwiju's neck appeared after getting bruised from a stem in the past where he made little Da Hae happy by guiding her in riding a bicycle. When Gwiju came back, he noticed the mark and he exactly knew what it meant. It's a sign for him to come back to the past where Da Hae was stuck in the storage room while the whole school is on fire. I hope that Gwiju would survive this, in the early scenes of this episode, Da Hae told Bok mom that her dreams were really precognitive but it depends on the interpretation the outcome would be. It does not necessarily negative at all. It was Bok mom who thinks her dreams were negative because she treats her powers as a curse. So I believe that, Gwiju will come back and it'll all be a happy ending for everybody. 

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