
June 8, 2024

Ji Sung and Jeon Mi Do Works Together to Solve The Case of their Friend In Connection Episode 5

After watching the Burning Sun documentary, it now makes sense to me why a reporter and a prosecutor work together in solving a case. Some tip offs are coming from the reporter and the reporter seeks the prosecutor's help, at least that's what happened in the Burning Sun case. kkk But here, in this drama called Connection where Ji Sung and Jeong Mi Do starred in,  Jae Kyeong and Yoon Jin were highschool friends reunited by an unfortunate death of their common friend Joon Seo. But it is believed that the two were brought together to reveal the truth behind the death of their high school friend.

Joon Seo's will states that his insurance money beneficiaries includes two of his best friends Jae Kyeong and Yoon Jin to which automatically involved the two with his case. Jae Kyeong does not believe that Joon Seo's death was caused by a suicide so he's finding out the real truth through his investigations. However, despite being a prosecutor, Jae Kyeong is having a hard time investigate because he wasn't the lead prosecutor handling the case and that he's also been drugged by an unknown syndicate/suspects. 

Jae Kyeong is an ace prosecutor who handles the Narcotics Division Unit in Anhyun Police Station. And because his success rate in catching the bad guys were high, some of the syndicates/drug dealers and users were angered by him which is probably why they made him become one of them which is an addict. This twist is what made the whole thing complicated because, of course, if he's found out then he'll be out of office/position in the prosecution. He's gonna be fired and he wouldn't be able to investigate his friend's death to which he also finds connection with the drug case he's in. The Lemon Mulberry case. 

And when you thought everything is complicated, that ain't it yet. The high school friends of Joon Seo, classmates also of the other members of the Audiophile club, might be involved in the case. Obviously, Tae Jin, Jong Soo, Chi Hyun and Yoon Ho are up to something illegal... but we're yet to find out if they are also involved with the Lemon Mulberry. For sure though, they have something to do with the death of Joon Seo! Waaah! 

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