May 19, 2023

Doctor Cha Sets A New All Time High Nationwide Viewership Ratings Surpassing Itaewon Class in JTBC Drama History

Seems like everyone's enjoying Doctor Cha drama. I don't blame everyone, of course, 'coz we're all the same here. It has a very good story that gives insights about family, love, marriage and it's infused with medical genre so it's very much entertaining. We all know how busy doctors are, and so it's unbelievable that they can still have a life outside their works. They're amazing, right? I admire them a lot! 

Anyways, Doctor Cha Episode 10 gained a soaring high nationwide viewership rating of 17.9% (18%) which automatically surpasses Park Seojun's Itaewon Class' 16.5% in JTBC drama history. I wonder if it can surpass the reigning drama The World of the Married which has a record of 28.3% rating? Hmm.. We'll have to find out in the upcoming episodes of Doctor Cha.

Well, no one expected this. To be honest, I really didn't know Doctor Cha's gonna be hit, I didn't even know this drama existed because I do not know any of the lead actors not until I saw it on Netflix being on the top 10 dramas in my country. Weeks passed after it was aired, that's only when I gave time to catch up with it. And just like that, I'm so into it already! 

Read: Uhm Jung Hwa Abandons Being A Doctor To Become A Housewife In Doctor Cha Episode 1

Congratulations to the whole cast! I hope they will continue to make us hooked till the very end of this drama.


  1. I started watching this series and was absolutely loving it but when I saw comments that it looked like Dr Cha was going to stay with her so called husband I really questioned the the writers if they were going to make her look like a whimpy doormat housewife again who only served as the housekeeper to him and his mother who treated as such
    I only hope that they continue to make her the strong loving person she is and even if she doesn’t end up with Dr Kim at this point she will continue alone with her son and daughter to make her own way in life and not go backwards to where she was.
    To me her only way is forward continuing her training and making a life for herself and mainly her daughter

  2. I was looking forward to this series for a long time and I have not been disappointed. I'm really really hoping that she decides to go with Dr. Kim. I mean I would. If she doesn't I will be happy if she just kicks her "husband" to the curb and never looks back.

  3. I want her to stay with the younger Dr. Her husband don't deserve to stay with her.


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