October 27, 2013

Yes or No?

I don't usually write a review over some movie or episodes lately. So as of now, I would like to get myself back on track bit by bit. Guess what!? I'll be talking about some Thai movie which somehow attracts me. It isn't just an ordinary movie, it somehow shows us that there is more into being normal. lol

Oh I love exploration, you guys kinda know that right? But anyways, I just admire this movie for it expresses the side of being the unusual one. Though, I don't know if I still might call the LGBT community as unusual. Nope, I won't be closing my eyes nor get myself to be quiet about this matter any longer. ww I think I was never quiet since I've been offering myself to write something about our heavenly OTP atsumina. haha

If some of you are asking what exactly am I? Why am I into this fandom? Why do I like or talk so much of lady idols? Well apparently, my liking isn't actually just for lady idols. It was never one sided inside my fandom. I do like guy idols as well, but it's as if like I'm more open to express my admiration towards another lady idol. I don't really find it weird or anything unless someone else tell me something about it being weird. There are a lot of people admiring the same thing as me, even though they are straight girls as well. But of course I'm not saying we are all straight girls or boys. or whatever.. fandom is for everyone anyways. Fandom is to bring entertainment and happiness to any fans.. ww

Actually I thought it's forbidden to talk about this inside a fandom. Since I always consider fandom is actually for people who are open minded and or probably accepting thy true selves. I kind a judge people outside fandom the ones who'll never understand me, or anyone of us. Up until now I guess.

Of course there are times wherein we're totally hooked up with our favorite idols, whether they are a girl or a boy. For me, it's a part of me admiring such. Hallucinations are overflowing and dreams totally overtaking. There are times we actually forget we're girls because we're totally into this fandom. lololol Oh Atsuko you lucky one! wwwww  But I also have boys in my life like, Yummypi (Yamapi), Toma my labs, Daigo, and many more manly idols that attracts me. But like I say, I'm more open in talking about my admiration towards lady idols. Maybe that's one side of me being abnormal? lol

So my conclusion to this entry is that...  maybe I'm an alien. wwww Well, it's all up to you to decide. XD

Okay back to the movie.. www This is reeaaaallly a good one, so I do recommend it to everyone. It's as if, the movie's telling you that when it comes to love there are lots of possibilities. You can love a man, a woman, or even the same sex if that's how everything works with you. May he or she a good looking one or not, good or bad.. it's all about how you'll handle love into to its extremities.

Yes or No? www

Kim is so fcking handsome.. lol and Pie is so gorgeous!! Ahh perfect match! Atsumina, there is still hope!!! lololol

Okay this is actually not a review at all.. I take back what I said. wwwwww


  1. I already watched it (>///<) there's also a season 2 i think

    1. yep there's season 2. and I've finished it as well.. better check it out! :">


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