September 26, 2013

No Wonder...

I know some of you are waiting for my reaction towards the most depressing news for the century. lol Is that Atsuko's first boyfriend? Who knows, but whatever.. that's a real lucky man I would say!

(from VOCE)

Seriously, and with all honesty.. first thing in the morning dated 9-25-13.. I've opened my tumblr expecting takamina (I don't know but I'm really fond of knowing more about Takamina's life encounters and her funny acts) news around. Takamina always makes me happy, but the moment I've read some translation of a news (w/o source yet) about Atsuko having "serious" relationship with this.. whoever guy that was. I felt like my world fell apart. Hahaha. It was really a bad thing for me to open my tumblr and have this huge depressing news comes my way. It was really awful, so lesson learned... Do not read lol kidding.

Even if some people says to just move on and be happy about it. Of course I just wanna spit in their faces and pass the message that "bitch, you don't understand my feelings". Yeah say it's probably obsession towards an "idol turned actress", whatever you guys imply or conclude to that.. I really don't care anymore. What matters to me is to what I really feel.

I felt like I've lost the inspiration of my life. Hahaha, felt like I want to open those pictures, cds, photobook I have of her. And even want to stop the delivery of my Time Machine Nante Iranai (if ever possible) lol. That's what's running around my mind, I even consider of not going to my work today and just go in the corner and pray to all gods that I've read lies.

Hardcore fan? Creepy? Yeah right. I would accept criticisms to that. That might be possible. All my delusions about my OTP vanished in just a blink of an eye. I was even planning of writing and continue the plot of my fanfics that's running circles in my mind for a long time now. And this news got it all ended. Yep, the ending of my fanfics? Tragic! No ending. lol

But despite my depression over this news... I'm all into positivity. I am trying, slowly but surely to accept the fact that my inspiration finally fell in love. Although at this point in time, Atsu hadn't confirmed anything yet... I'll accept peacefully if she tells us she's happy about this relationship that's spreading everywhere. Who exactly am I to stop her falling in love. Well as of now I feel betrayed as an avid fan, I even save money to build a family for Acchan. A "family of Acchan goodies". lol

Feel betrayed? Strong word you might say. "Who the fck are you to Acchan?" I'm a fan! A fan, that if I'll sum myself to other fans.. there is no Acchan. Get the point? We all have the stand to this, we all have our opinions. But if our goddess Atsuko herself, is really happy about it. No more questions added. I'll accept be and  happy for her. (Although it might take time, don't forget I'm an avid hardcore atsumina shipper)  Just hoping the guy won't hurt her though or even "using" her.. as to what I'm reading all through twitter.

Anyways.. no wonder... No wonder Takamina was always staring at Atsuko in their SDK performance. No wonder there were secret messages being passed through those staring eyes. Who knows, what was being expressed? Is Takamina missing Acchan's "full attention"? No wonder there were no Atsumina nor Atsuyuu in the air for the passed days, months or so.
 (credits to tumblr users for those wonderful gifs)

No wonder Atsuko's blooming? lol.. She's in love? Whatever.. to the guy who has Atsuko now. Fuck you, you fcking bastard please take care of our goddess. Because seriously if you hurt her.... I'm just going to sit here and cry because we all know I cannot do anything from here to kill you. HAHAHAHA lol Maybe curse him to death? www

I still love Atsuko no matter what though. Relationships nowadays are for short-term.. if you know what I mean. lololol

AtsuMina shippers! Long live!!! Though I guess we cannot expect atsumina love tales in their 30s or 40s. ww Our princess fell in love after all. XD Or maybe a little prayer would be very effective to reverse the curse. HAHA


  1. Acchan hasn't denied nor admitted, has she? SHould you wait for her to speak up first?

  2. Don't you think Acchan could've tweeted nor denied the news already if it wasn't true. I think she'll protect her reputation if that wasn't true at all. But anyways, whatever, this is my reaction to the spreading news as of now. If Acchan speak up, I'll make a new "reaction paper" to that.

    1. What I meant that whether it's true or not, you should wait till Acchan speak about it herself. Admitting nor denying isn't the matter here. It's about Acchan herself giving the answer once and for all. Hearing it from the person herself is more reliable than anything. And again, it's not about admitting nor denying, it's about hearing your favorite announce it herself. That makes it much more official than any reports. If she admits, then congratulates her. If she denies, well then you'll have delayed your depressing mode for who knows how long.

  3. </3 I.m also trying ..... but now it does hurt TT~TT... Long live 'AtsuMina'

  4. hey, I know how u feel, I'm a hardcore Atsumina shipper myself :)

    I agree with you that relationship these days doesn't last long and lets hope for that? lol

    I don't think the term in love is very accurate right now since Atsuko is still young and this is her first relationship...

    I'm still hoping on that 30s and 40s when she can't fall in love with anyone, she'll marry Takamina <3

  5. Hai!! I still remember those words..... she gave on that interview.. <3

  6. I kinda worried about you when I hear this news since I know you are one of Acchan's hardcore fan. But reading your post, I feel quite relieved. You try your best to accept the news even though it's hurt like hell. Most of Acchan's fan will understand your feeling.. All the best in fixing your heart.. By the way, she is not getting married yet, just dating. There is still hope. It is not like I pray for them to broke up, it is just I think Acchan is still young. Let her has the "fall in love" experience. Maybe it can help her in acting later on.. As for atsumina, for me, my atsumina ship ain't sinking. It will keep on sailing..

    1. thank you for worrying about me.. I appreciate that. lol
      yeah at least not only me feels such. I mean all Acchan fans are all in this together (sort of) I agree though, I'm not against about her experiencing love. I mean.. she's also a little girl who needs to feel that. It's just hard for us to accept at first, but later on we'll get used to it. We just need time. =) Always hoping the best for her. (heart)

      As of AtsuMina... I don't know, really. XD


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