January 1, 2013

Welcome 2013!!!

Hi guys! It has been a while since I've written something in here. Yup, quite busy with a lot of stuff. And was sick for the previous days! Can you believe that? 2012 was not really a good year for me. How about you guys?

Seriously 2012 has become my scariest year of all. (And I'm not expecting more worst than that in the future). It was hell!

But 2012 is so last year, so we better move on. I don't want be stuck on that crappy year and memories anyways. Hah! I'm quite excited with 2013!! A new year! A new beginning! I'll do my best for this year.

Well I don't usually do "New Year's Resolution" nor believe in it. But this year I'll give it a try. So my New Year's Resolution is to be more responsible. Yeah if I will elaborate the meaning of that phrase, it is about being responsible to self (taking care of myself more), responsible to the things I do (Stop cramming, stop being lazy). Okay those are my priorities this  year.

And of course, to love Atsuko forever! lol Ayyy Happy New Year everyone!

Thanks for all the readers that stayed with me in this past whole year. Expect more blog entries to come in the future, I'll do my best to bring you guys the most interesting blog entries. (hopefully) and yeah with a mixture of my boring life. Randomness it is for this blog. I'll try to improve in writing too. Ha! So many plans! XD

And here's a gift for everyone, esp for Atsu fans. Gahd, I can't maintain. Atsu Y U so gorgeous? [heart heart!]

1 comment:

  1. Nice resolution, I hope your year goes well!

    By the way, I hope you will also check out and comment on my post about Hopes for 2013, if you have any please share here: http://nynyonlinex.wordpress.com/2013/01/01/resolutions-and-hopes-for-2013/


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