October 19, 2011

SCANDAL's new hair styles: HAPPY or NOT?

whew.. I'm sharing my thoughts about their sudden transformation.. and yeah.. I DONT LIKE it at all.. TT^TT
when I first saw this picture.. I told to myself.. WTF happen?? is this really them?? O_O I told myself not to comment more about it coz.. I miight regret it since this picture only has one angle and there might be some better photos of them with their new hairstyle.. Days have past.. my internet connection was gone and then got back after 4 days (I guess).. I saw these NEW pictures all over FACEBOOK and different websites.. and I was like.. Oh gawd what really happen?? Why did they "SUDDENLY" make such transformation.. already made them a different person at all!! sigh.. I'm not bashing them or insulting them though.. I'm just saying my opinion.. maybe some of you likes their transformation but let's just respect one another...

I hate to say such things about SCANDAL since they are the no. 1 band for me in the entire world. And it's even hard for me to see HARUNA with such hair.. I'm totally speechless.. about it..I like and loved her hairstyle with her previous one.. a not too short and curly hair of her...I think it fits her a LOT! and I cant even stop giggling about how cute she was with such hair style.. I cant even stop staring her pic (LOL! what is this I sounded like a stalkerHAHAH LOL) but well let's stop exaggerating things :)) but well I'm telling the truth that hairstyle really fits her.

Previous hairstyle:

and now her sudden transformation was this one below.. hmm... sigh.. though she still looked cute with it.. but I still prefer her previous hair style :)

Latest hairstyle:

while this one below here.. is from their Virgin Tour at Kobe.. and when I first saw this.. leaves a not so good comment on my mind.. haha i said haru you looked like a mom here.. TT^TT *crashed head on the wall* LOL
I'm sorry haru.. it's the outfit that adds the negative vibes on me XD

and as for the other members of SCANDAL.. well TOMO's NEW hair style and color for me is OOOKAY :) I think her cuteness still is in there.. and i dont know I'm speechless too.. though I would say it's okay with me. :))

Previous hairstyle:

Latest hairstyle:

 and the biggest SHOCK for me.. TT^TT aside from haru's... uwaaaa.. *cries badly
WHY MAMI?? who told you to do color your hair?? Blondie! T^T I'll kill Eisuke or the Enami your hair stylist! LOL!

Previous Hairstyle

Latest Hairstyle:

I didnt recognize her on the 1st pic. haha.. XD

AND lastly.. Our Rinari.. OH IM SOOO GLAD you did not transform so sudden.. T^T *tears of joy
<3 <3
Previous and still the Latest Hairstyle of RINA

that's right RINA use all hair extension you want, you can curl your hair as much as you want..just please dont go for a blonde hair!! LOL! 
Well, those are just my opinion.. but of course my love for SCANDAL will still be at it's peak.. and highest level.. their looks are just PLUS POINTS of how awesome SCANDAL band is. :)
I cant do anything about what these girls like.. so ALL I NEED to do is just support them on what they want since that is CALLED a TRUE FAN. 

I'll just close my eyes everytime i see MAMI and HARU.. LOL! just kidding..(half meant T^T)

But oh well.. good thing I saw these pictures below on facebook which cheered me up.. hihi they are so gorgeous and cute!! kYAAAAAAAAAAA! *heart*
the ZIPPO GIRLS.. lol

comment in on what you think about SCANDAL's new hairstyle! :) though let's just give each other respect for our own opinion ;)

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  1. To say the least I like their new hairstyle. Granted almost everyone likes and knows the girls from their previous looks ie. Haruna with her mid-long black/brown hair, Tomomi with her straight black hair and the shocker Mami's long straight black hair. But for me I like Haruna's short hair. I'm not too crazy about Tomomi's reddish hair and Mami's blonde hair is definitely different. But I think as time goes on and more pics pop up I think that we (as fans) will like them even more. I just think that the pictures up right now doesn't do them justice. Just remember everyone that people do change and they will not stay the same. This is their own individual style.

    SCANDAL will be SCANDAL no matter what! I know that their hairstyle wouldn't be enough to drive you away from liking them! ^_^

  2. I honestly don't like the current transformations. I'm just disappointed that the girls are trying to fit in the pop industry too much. It's like shoving themselves into to minds of people. I don't like that. They will get popular not because of their looks but their music. If they're cut for it then they will get more popular but if not (I doubt that they aren't though) then no need to keep on transforming and changing.

    Be who they really are not what others dictate them to be. I want them to know that there are fans out there who appreciate the simple SCANDAL that just rocks. They need not look so mature and all. RINA for example. Despite not changing much in terms of hair color and all, (this is just my opinion) she's getting over board with the 'trying-to-be-an-adult' promise she made on her birthday post. Seriously, she's being all... err... sophisticated or at least desperate to look like one. Don't get me wrong. I like RINA too but I just wish she'd let herself mature and unfold as it would in time. She need not force it just because she's 18.

    The way SCANDAL is evolving seems off. Posing for ZIPPO just turned me off. Posing for a brand of lighter?! They are a band. And tell me, why them? It's obviously because of the sex appeal and all. They're selling their looks now more than their songs.

    Overall I don't like the transformations. I don't like the kind of evolving they're doing. I'm hating the KPOP influences in Japan. I don't like these flirty looking outfits and how they're so much of attention seekers (mainly on RINA's part) but then, I guess we'll just have to see what the effect is.

  3. @anonymous:
    whoever you are I got your point there! I wish that they will not be TOTALLY swallowed by kpop's influence on them.. not a K-pop hater here. but we loved SCANDAL for who they were before "simple" and has heart and talent for music..and I hope they'll keep that in mind.. they dont NEED to actually bother nor pressure themselves on their looks coz they are just plus points for us liking them,, besides they are STILL YOUNG to pressure themselves onto their "MATURE LOOKS".

    It's already OKAY with us and we understand the fact that they are not that young anymore as before.. so accepting the fact that they'll stop wearing their "signature" school uniforms as a band.. is ENOUGH for me at "this point in time"... For me.. they really dont need to make things fast for their looks.. they need to slow down coz being young can never be brought back..

    I just hope they'll realize that they need to focus more on their songs and NOT MUCH about their looks.

    Though as what Mr. A said we just cant do anything about the "change" they want to achieve

  4. Yes. (I'm the same Anon btw. :P)
    High five! :)))
    Everyone seems so happy about the transformation. I'm happy at least someone else feels the same. HAHA.

  5. well, i like scandal for their music.
    i don really kind of mind how they look, but i really could not get used to their current looks for this time, i really hope that they can still keep their lovely, casual, "young" side of them for a little while more, just a while more...

  6. i don't like the way they look now. specially Mami. Base on the picture, she look so skinny thin now. I like Mami way better before. The healthy-looking Mami (huggable) and simple geek look. I think they're experimenting on their looks but I dunno who's responsible in this idea for their image. I think its temporary. I think maybe the management wants to experiment of what is the reaction of the fans or to attract new sets of fans. i dunno.

    By the way I can't wait till the time comes when they dont need anymore image. Just casual shirts, jeans or whatever. If ever that time comes. :) cheers!

  7. i was just scanning thru facebook. Hahas, dun really have time coz i am super busy this two weeks so i shall keep it short.

    I love Haruna's new look, it makes her look cooler. Especially the concert photo. She looks super cool. Perhaps is the "moment" the photographer took that make her look cool. So basically, Haruna looks good.

    Mami, okay i was shocked the first time i saw her concert photo. Hahas. Now she look like some Korean artiste. So i duno is that good or bad. Hahaha. Coz i not really a fan of Korean artiste. But Korean do look good, so i guess thats a good thing? but somehow still weird.

    Tomomi, ok i duno why i dun like the way she looks in the concert, but the salon photos looks great as usual.

    Rina... look the same? Hahahahaha. Beautiful as always.

  8. I'm a bit upset though, especially with Mami's blonde hair. It's quite a dramatic change from the release of Love Survive til now. I hope it's not something emotional related. I think Haruna looked great during the Asian tour. Being the eldest among the four, I think she wanted to refresh her image to fit her age better. Lastly, my favorite Tomo. I really like her old long hair. I'm a sucker for girls with long hair. She did cut short a bit and go reddish, but the style seems to fit her character. For Rina, I'm happy and hope she won't pull another shocking transformation like Mami. Can you even imagine Rina with short hair or going blondie?

    1. Reading this in 2013. Rina just made a drastic hair formation. She's now sporting short hair with full bangs first seen in their recent Playboy PV. Now as for dyeing her hair, I won't be surprised anymore. Looks are secondary to me, I became a fan because I noticed that I liked majority of their songs so I looked them up. And boy was I surprised to see lovely ladies. Change is the only constant thing in this world so changing their looks is expected. As for their music, I'm quite open if they experiment with different genre as long as they don't release it as their feature single like Cherry Jam.

  9. for me i will and always love what they want to do in their lives change their hair or even if they all go for a super punk look with mohawk or even if they shave their hairs bald besides i really am in love with their music and personalities and beautiful looks are just bonus points SCANDAL is SCANDAL no matter what they look like. getting to know them more, is more exciting than how will they look like today or even tomorrow as long as they remain down to earth and have a beautiful music i'll continue loving and supporting them until they reach their goal of becoming the best band in the whole world \(^-^)/

  10. i dont like mami's new hair...for haru its ok coz i like short hair for girls...HOT!!for tomo and rina not bad XD

  11. For starters the change is totally up to them and we can't change their minds. Initially I was SHOCKED and upset about Mami's blonde decision and I still am...

    I pretty much fine with the three other girls.. (no comment)

    Besides dying their hair doesn't does necessarily mind their following the crowd... you can't always have SCANDAL look like a bunch of innocent looking girls. For god's sake their a rock band they like anyone else can do anything they want!

    I don't really like the idea of them posing for Zippo its retarded and its based on their looks blah, blah, blah... but its marketing if this attracts perverted men so be it... Thats the kinda thing you need to do when your signed on to one of Japan's largest music company... so get real if you don't like SCANDAL at their current stage just listen to their music and screw how they look like!

  12. I wonder planning on with their looks, but their songs are awsome for sure.i LOVE SCANDAL !

  13. I wonder what* they* are planning with thier looks.hope haruna grows back her hair,mami change back her hair to black , WISH THEY WERE THE SAME. their latest song harukaze was nice. This shows that they are still awsome . i waitting for more updates.

  14. Be that as it may, a "good girl" won't turn into a naked girl (Saredo "ii ko ni wa narenai" Naked Girl )

    ---- hope they will stick to what they said,.,. still gonna be supporting SCANDAL though

  15. Haruna's new hair is okay IMO but MAMI'S NEW HAIR IS LIKE OMGWTF?! ): ....Tomomi didnt have any drastic changes and Rina didnt even do anything to her hair :3....RINA-SAMAAAAAA X3

  16. Tomomi: Not bad~
    Rina: Cute as ALWAYS!!!
    Haruna: Well, i'm more liking her hair on Haruka and Namida No Regret
    Mami: GOSH! My heart is broken (?) T_T I REALLY2 LIKE MAMI BLACK HAIRR, AAAA WHY YOU CHANGE THE COLOUR MAMI ONEE T_T but she's still beatiful ^^


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