
June 11, 2024

Jong Jae Kwang is the One Covering for Ji Sung's Complicated Situation In Connection Episode 6

Episode 6, Jae Kyeong asked his addict prisoner to contact the dealer of Lemon Mulberry pills and the whole team executed a buy bust operation. Jae Kyeong accompanied the addict to meet the dealer and have a transaction but the dealer tested out Jae Kyeong whether he really is one of them or not. They injected a drug in Jae Kyeong's body without any resistance from him and after successfully injecting it, the dealers proceeded with their transaction with them. However, the prisoner addict revealed Jae Kyeong's identity and run away with the pills that were supposed to be bought by the police to execute their buy bust operation but thankfully the police were fast enough to catch everyone including the dealers. 

It turned out also that it was indeed Chang Soo who's covering up for Jae Kyeong. I'm so glad about it if Chang Soo is really looking out for Jae Kyeong but not if he's one with CEO Yoon. I hope he really is on the good side trying to protect Jae Kyeong till they catch everyone behind the Lemon Mulberry and Jun Seo's murder case. After then, Chang Soo may do whatever he has to do with Jae Kyeong under the state's law. 

On the other hand, as reporter Yoon Jin digs about Park Bok Rae's death due to medical malpractice, she founds out about the medicine that was given to Park Bok Rae was from Keumhyung Pharmaceutical and it was Park Jun Seo who paid Park Bok Rae's son to be silent about the whole death of his mother. Another thing that Yoon Jin digged about is Tae Jin and Ji Yeon's affair. They are seeing each other but obviously, Tae Jin wanted to gain a passcode from Ji Yeon. He promised her to divorce his current wife to elope with her. Ji Yeon was acting smart with him after giving that divorce first before getting the passcode. They're both trash for being cheaters. I bet Ji Yeon cheated even before her husband Jun Seo died. Disgusting woman. ew!

Anyways, everything seemed to be connecting now. The murder case of Jun Seo is definitely connected with the lemon mulberry. I won't be surprised if some drug transactions were being done in the labs of Jong Soo's Keumhyung Pharmaceutical company. Sheesh!

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