May 21, 2023

Uhm Jung Hwa Confronts Everyone And Slowly Getting Up From Her Messy Marriage In Doctor Cha Episode 11

Feels like this episode was slow but I guess it's an essential part for her to get back on her feet. Of course, confrontation is needed before she's able to come up with her final decision on what to do with her marriage with In Ho. She finally had the courage to face the two people who committed a sin to her, In Ho and his btch. Ugh, seriously, they are doctors, they're supposed to be smart and yet they're acting the opposite! 

Seung Hi's desperation is really getting on my nerves. She even had the audacity to blame Jung Seok for whatever hell that her daughter is experiencing now. Girl, wake up! Doctor Cha is right, your daughter is the one harvesting the fruits of your own actions so take responsibility and don't put the blame on anyone! This btch needed a slap to wake up from her stupidity, I just hope Doctor Cha did so. But I can only hope, she's so frustratingly kind, prim and proper. Sometimes I'm not sure if it's because she's intelligent or she's just another fool. 

But what do I know? I've never been married. At least not yet, so I don't know what doctor Cha is going through, I don't have the right to judge her with her decisions. But seriously, I don't need to get married and have a cheating husband to tell that there's something needed to repair in here. She needs to at least love herself and choose what's right for her without thinking of those around her. I honestly am so disappointed about Mi Hee's advice to her. To just live with it (that her husband cheated and is maintaining another family) and move on like the other foolish women? She doesn't know what she's talking about! But Doctor Cha affirming whatever she's saying after telling her that she's experiencing hell in her heart made my disappointment rise to level 10. Sigh. 

I know Mi Hee's just pointing out that she knows Jung Seok all too well and even brought up about the plant that she managed to take care of throught the years (20 years). But girl, the plant has no capabilities of hurting doctor Cha but her husband has that and so this is a stupid reference to conclude that she should continue on taking care of her relationship with her cheating husband. Ugh.

Thankfully, I saw the preview of episode 12! Goodness gracious, she finally said she wanted a divorce to In Ho! It's about time! 

On the other hand, doctor Roy. Sigh. He's so willing to do everything for Jung Seok, saving her from the fire, giving her a shelter when she doesn't know where to go, he's ready to catch her from her falling marriage, he supports her, takes care of her and loves her! Dang! If doctor Cha doesn't pick you in the end, just come out from my phone screen and love me instead and I'll return the favor. Haha!

1 comment:

  1. Not all doctors are smart with their personal life. Doctor Cha pick up with what's she's missing and leave her scumbag husdband.


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