
May 17, 2022

Son Seok Ku Left Kim Ji Won's Side In My Liberation Notes Episode 12

Oh-kaaaaayyy.... What did just happen? Someone tell me what just happened? Previous episode Mr. Gu and Mi Jeong were all sweet and now this? Talk about how fast the night changes, huh? Lol 

Mr. Gu leaving Mi Jeong and come back to Seoul is I'm sure all of us have expected already but of course witnessing how it unfolded is a different story. Like Mi Jeong, I really am not angry with him either for leaving. In fact, my heart aches for him. Clearly, he didn't want to leave but he has to in order not to complicate nor put anyone's life in danger especially Mi Jeong. Mr. Gu knew that when his colleague discovered about having a girlfriend in that area, reason why he's stubborn in staying, he knew that one day these people from his work would do something hideous in order for him to come back with them. Mr. Gu was left with no choice. 

It's painful to watch him acting all strong and mighty when deep inside, he's hurting. That scene where he is in the kitchen and Mi Jeong helped him out cleaning, he tried to push her away because everything would be more difficult for the both of them. But even so, Mi Jeong could see through him and managed to sway his stone cold heart. Even though Mr. Gu has spitted out hurtful words to Mi Jeong, Mi Jeong still went on with the 'worshipping' thing and even blurted out that she didn't care what life he had led on until today. She just accepts Mr. Gu fully. Aw, if that ain't love then I don't know what it is. 

Gosh... please let Mr. Gu settle his mind and choose Mi Jeong in the end please. He deserves to be happy and so is Mi Jeong. Look at them... it's painful to watch them when they're like this. 

I wouldn't talk much about Gi Jeong here since I think she's already found the happiness that she wanted, hopefully... or maybe some plot twist could still happen in the end? *cough* endgame with boss *cough* 

So I'll just talk about Chang Hee. Omg!!! He started noticing his dear friend Ji Hyeon Ah. I knew it!!! I knew it that there will become something between the two!!! I mean, it's always been Hyeon Ah to comfort him, she accepts him for not having the wealth, for being immature. She's so supportive of him no matter what and knowing Chang Hee who looks far away from the things he has, he couldn't see Hyeon Ah as a woman. Kyaaa... finally some effin' good is about to happen to Chang Hee. He better make action now or else ugh.. i'm gonna be so frustrated more than I am now with him if he ain't do anything. Ugh. 


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