
May 22, 2022

Son Seok Ku Discovered A Drastic Change In Kim Ji Won's Family In My Liberation Notes Episode 13

Oh guys, you don't know how much this episode brought tears to my eyes. I'll give it to Chang Hee and the mother this time. They're the stars for this episode. 

Geez... my heart aches for the mom. She was taken for granted and her sacrifices weren't appreciated at all even if it meant her whole life and happiness being sacrificed. I literally was like a crying mess because nobody... as in nobody in her family bothered to check on her well being when she's going through so much. They all just noticed that something was wrong when she's already dead. Gosh, her death was so effin' sad. Like, it's the worst ever for a mom and wife that sacrificed so much for her family.

Watch how much she whined over her children, because she only wanted a good life for them. Watch how she cooked and took care of his husband that she even sacrificed the only thing that made her feel alive and at rest when she's at the church. Shit, I really hated the old guy. His husband in particular. 

Notice how everything came worst because of him. How his household felt the brokenness even though they were all together. In this episode it all became clear how this family came out to be who they are today because of that father. I hate him so much. 

He never showed weakness nor show love for his children and wife. He only wanted to feed his ego and it was clearly shown in Mr. Gu and the happy family they've encountered in the field harvesting sweet potatoes and at the road. Chang Hee has said it in this episode, he wanted his father to treat him like how he treated Mr. Gu. But didn't you know why he treated Mr. Gu like that? I have a speculation that it's because it feeds his ego that he's right to remain at his work because Mr. Gu also took the path that he chose. He even boasted about how his work paid all his debts. However, during the episodes where he found out slowly about the real Mr. Gu, the wealthy one, he started getting insecure evident with his facial reactions and body gestures. It told him, 'no you didnpt do the right thing'. But he was so stubborn to admit that and continuously dragged his family to sadness and brokenness. In this episode, he heard what the happy family said when they were harvesting, he hated it. So to save his stupid ego, he dragged again his family this time to danger and chase after the happy family on the road and tried to get ahead of them. Clearly, he didn't listen to his wife to stop, instead he wanted to feed his ego more yet it resulted to his loss. Like seriously, you lose not just in that race you piece of shit... you literally a loser at everything the moment you disregard the feelings of your wife and children. Sigh. I hate him so much. 

Also, when Mr. Gu came to visit. He already has a new partner? Just like that? This bastard, really?! Ugh. 

Seriously, my heart still aches for the mother so much that I don't think I could move on from it just so easily. I know that she's also at fault for sacrificing way too much, but she only wanted to be a good mother and wife. It just so happen that she married the wrong man to spend her whole life with. If only,if only, she had the courage to leave him for her own sake and well being, she could have lived a much better life and have a better relationship with her children. 

Notice how the mother sulked when she heard about Mi Jeong crying over the inexistent pet dog they had. She knew that she lacked being a mother and cried over it on the way home. Because she was too preoccupied getting the attentionof his husband by helping him out in the field and cook for the whole household. She literally became the 'maid' because of that. Her whole life was so heartbreaking. 

I don't think I could move on from her death so easily. It really affected me so much because it reminded me not to sacrifice so much of my life to something makes me feel so miserable. It taught me to saught after the things that makes me happy instead despite what other people would think of me. It's better to break the social norm than to break yourself in the end after all. 🥲

As per other topics that happened in this episode. I think the other worthy thing to talk about is Chang Hee. I didn't really expect to cry for him, for what he's going through.. but I did. I guess, we're just too tough when it comes to a man whinning over everything and ask him to grow up or man up that we forgot that he's actually really having a hard time and that whinning is something that relieves his stress. Maybe we're to sexist, that we sometimes disregard what's really going on with him. 

I, too, wanted to be appreciated by my parents. I think most of us, if not all, wanted to anyway. So I could fully relate to Chang Hee in this episode. It's not wrong to take a break if it means to get yourself back together once again. 

As for Mr. Gu finding out about what happened in Yeom Mi Jeong's life after he left, I wonder... if this is enough for him to look after Mi Jeong once again and stay by her side this time. 


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  1. U told the truth, sad but touching. Thx

  2. All what u think same what im thingking too…😢
