May 29, 2022

Life Doesn't Always Work The Way We Want It To Be A Reminder For Us From My Liberation Notes Episode 15

Life goes on and whatever state or feeling we're all having, it won't pause nor slow down for any one of us. It's just how it is. Though, we're not completely hopeless as we're always presented with choices to take, to redirect our direction to a better path if we're lucky. But if we're not lucky, then.... Sigh.... sometimes it ain't easy to make decision on which choices presented to take either. Ugh. Nothing is easy in this world.

Anyways, after episode 14 ended with a happy note, Episode 15 reminded us that happy moments don't last for long. In fact, nothing would. Just because time fast forwarded to the future doesn't mean the characters have moved on from whatever baggage they were all carrying from the past. Life doesn't work that way at all, especially in a Kdrama which plot depicts reality. 

Have you noticed? How Chang Hee became that someone so inspiring. He knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted to be an upgraded version of himself. From the very start he wanted to be 'someone'. However, not everyone around us is expected to support us to achieve what we wanted for ourselves. That's the case with Chang Hee and his girlfriend Hyun-ah. Hyun-ah was the one that holds him back and he has to break up with her for the growth of each one of them.

When Chang Hee broke down while riding a bicycle, I literally felt his pain. Just because he was focused to achieve something doesn't mean he doesn't feel pain especially when he does sacrifices. He loves Ji Hyun Ah but.. He has to let her go in order to achieve his dream. 

Notice how he cracked when he was on a phone call with his dad. He was the first one he had to sacrifice, to live away from him, in order to have what he wanted. 

Loneliness is part of our lives. We may not be able to get used to it but knowing how to feel loneliness, would help us figure out what is happiness. 

Look at Mi Jeong. Someone that gets by in a day, summing up seconds to achieve a happiness of 3 minutes in a day. The fact that she knew an instance that changes her emotions, from neutral to loneliness and then happiness, is something really huge. There are 24 hrs a day, and Mi Jeong was contented with just 3 minutes of happiness tells us that no matter how small and short it is that makes us happy is already something that makes life a little bearable than it is. A reason to live throughout the day. 

And when Mr. Gu was feeling awful for not having a perfect day without getting irritated or frustrated, Mi Jeong suggested her very own tactic to get by and not ruin the rest of his day because there is still a chance for him to feel better. People might actually belittle these dialogues but they really are impactful if we just think well of it or understand the inspiring message it entails. 

Speaking of Mr. Gu. Some of the viewers might have been frustrated with him because he kept telling Mi Jeong that he'll leave. There's just no certainty in whatever he's saying. But if we're to look closely, Mr. Gu's therapist (his previous doctor) told him that he's always guarded. That's just how he is. Mr. Gu always speaks brutally to push everyone away. Because he's so damaged, he doesn't know how to react whenever someone's giving him attention or love. He's used to people abandoning him whenever they see his true color. Just look at how their chairman spoke to him in his office. He was pointing out how he's changing, how he's becoming someone he no longer recognize. Mr. Gu is afraid, that it'll be the same with Mi Jeong. 

Mr. Gu might look like someone that's not liberating himself from himself or the environment he's used to but he actually does. Slowly in his own way. The fact that he reached out to Mi Jeong after a long time is already a step that he's slowly taking towards his own liberation. I think that's the main reason why he told Mi Jeong that he'll take therapy sessions from her too. It's his second step towards it. He'll keep talking to her sessions after sessions. It's like,if we read between the lines on his dialogue, he actually wanted to tell her everything about himself first. Just to test the waters whether Mi Jeong would still want him.  And if Mi Jeong doesn't get scared of all information about him then it's his cue that Mi Jeong accepts him wholly and  that she won't abandon him at the end of the day. 

I hope my instincts  were right, but if not then... It's gonna be a sad ending for sure. 

And last but not the least, Gi Jeong. Dang... It feels like that 'anyone' to love is not gonna save her from her own miseries. To be honest, I thought she would be the one that would end up happy among her other siblings. You know, she has that relationship that she ever wanted and yet in the end, it's not really the thing that could make her escape her own self hatred. 

At the end of the day, I think Gi Jeong needed to love herself more than anyone else. The fact that she compromises her own feelings for Tae Hyun, doesn't really sit right with me. I mean, in the relationship they're in, there should be 2 people and feelings involved. Whether the other half has some other baggage like daughters, it should not compromise the feelings of your partner. Sigh. Gi Jeong has to love herself more, I think.  So she could prioritise her happiness with whoever she chooses as her partner in the future. 

Sooo.. We're on the last episode now. I honestly do not expect a happy ending anymore. I feel like it's too much to ask for this type of kdrama. All I want right now is their happiness individually really. 


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  1. I guess it was an understandable ending, but I wanted more.

  2. No sequel, let it be they all ended up well.


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