May 30, 2022

Explanation To My Liberation Notes Ending | Episode 16

Now that I've watched the ending, everyone seemed to be on their proper places now. Did the characters got the liberation that they wanted? I'd say YES. But does it stopped from there? NO. I think that's what the open ending told us too. Liberation is a process that you'll live with throughout your life. 

As someone that could fully relate to Mi Jeong's character, I am truly satisfied with how her character developed. She obviously outgrown her character from the early episodes. Remember how she was like a lost soul loitering around, without a clue on why she's feeling awfully exhausted all the time? Throughout her liberation process, at the finale episode, she finally was able to distinguish the problem. 

Mi Jeong also had the realization that the liberation that their club was aiming was not entirely looking for results but to actually point out their issues. After all, nobody could solve a problem if the problem itself is unknown. 

Mi Jeong shared with Mr. Gu how she wanted to curse and blame her ex for all things that makes her irrtated nor frustrated. She was so invested in hating him throughout her life but the time finally came wherein she met her ex. Contrary to what she's wanted of ruining his life, she saved him from getting in trouble with the woman in front of him. After that, they had a face to face greeting and the man ended up apologizing. 

Looking at Mi Jeong's reactions, she was surprised at the apology. I think it's something that concludes everything. The peace inside her head finally came to light. She probably realized that the wrath she had for him subsided already if not completely vanished. 

And later on, we see her smiling from ear to ear. With nothing that's dragging her down anymore. She's feeling pure bliss and lovable because her attention now is fully directed to Mr. Gu and not some ex from her past. 

Now on to Mr. Gu. Daaaaang!!! He's coming towards his liberation!!! Did you see how the episode showed that in the end? 

Mr. Gu's character is really broken and vengeful. Episode 15 clearly showed that with how he lashes on the woman that caused havoc inside his establishment. If someone inflicted him pain, he'll return the same favor 10 times more. But, in episode 16, he actually did the opposite thing. 

He overcame his demons and reached out to Hyeon Jin. Hyeon Jin betrayed him, lied about gambling, stealing his money and even hurt him. Still, Mr. Gu took out all his money from his cabinets and heads out from his room. For sure, he'll use all those money to help out Hyeon Jin with his debt and I think that's what Mr. Gu was referring to when he blurted out Mi Jeong's original phrase of step by step... it's actually his step towards his liberation. 

Remember when Mr. Gu told Mi Jeong how he'll end up homeless in the end? It wasn't a joke, he thinks he would if he'll turn his back away from his work with the chairman. And that's what Mr. Gu did when he heads out with the money to help Hyeon Jin. 

It's beautiful how the scene was shown too. It was shown as if he's heading towards Mi Jeong. Mi Jeong was his end goal throughout this liberation he'll go through. A happy Mi Jeong waiting for him at the end of his journey. Waaah! Beautiful indeed!

As for Chang Hee. It's funny how fate played with him. He claimed to his friends several times already how he must've been fated to send off his loved ones all the time. From his grandparents, mom and his friend at the hospital. He was there with them till their last breath and then suddenly when he was aiming to see 'Landscape Paintings of Joseon', he was led to a different room. And it just so happened that the room he went in was about becoming a funeral director. Hahaha. It was funny but then, it actually tells us that sometimes we just have to go with the flow of life. Because it's directing you already to your right path. Though I don't say it's right all the time, of course. Maybe for Chang Hee, it is. 

For his liberation. I think it's obvious that he did. He now knows how to become a real adult after all. 😁

As for Gi Jeong, hmmmm... I honestly couldn't figure her out with what she really wanted at first. But then again, I remebered how she actually think highly of herself when it comes to love. She embarrasses several suitor from her past after all. I think, she got liberated from that already with how she acts now with Tae Hyun. Instead of breaking up to make things easier, she wanted to move forward with him. She just didn't know how if she's the only one doing it. They're 2 in their relationship after all. 

They have several misunderstandings and them staying quiet made them insecure and cause low self esteem. But after some talking, they're back to being a lovable couple. It's common sense that we need communication and understanding in every relationships. But here they are reminding us about it. 

In totality of this drama, I could say that I really love its ending. It may not turn out as satisfying to other viewers especially to those who are only after the worship couple ending up together on their screens, but I couldn't think more of a better ending than it is now. I love it.

Ahhh... I'm gonna miss this drama and the characters so much. 😭 I had fun and experienced healing through it... now what should I do without it? Haha. Let's go create our own Liberation Club, I guess? Lol 


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