April 6, 2022

Goodbye Twenty-Five, Twenty-One (Truly One Of The Best Kdrama) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!

I just finished Twenty Five, Twenty One kdrama and I still cannot move on from it! You know, I'll be very honest... I've never been moved by a Kdrama for a long time now and I was thinking of throwing this hobby of watching Kdrama because it's taking so much of my time when there's not much that strike to my heart anymore. But this drama.. Twenty-Five, Twenty-One is proving me wrong.. there is still a good written Kdrama that will shake my world such as this one. Gosh... It's so good! From the story-line, the development of characters as well as the growth of each actors/actresses in this drama. Ugh. I am taking back when I said that Nam Joo Hyuk is not that good in acting! God knows now how amazed I am by him. Wow! It's remarkable how, as the story progressed, I've become tuned in with Nam Joo Hyuk's character Baek Yi Jin. I grew attached to him and I don't want to say goodbye to him yet! No!

I started watching this drama only liking the rivalry and friendship story between Na Hee Do (Kim Tae Ri) and Ko Yu Rim (Bona) and then the story showed me something more to be interested with and that's the deep friendship and love between Baek Yi Jin (Nam Joo Hyuk) and Na Hee Do. I know I said that I hated their relationship due to their (not really that huge) gap between their ages. I guess it's because Kim Tae Ri was so good at portraying the immaturity of a highschool student here that I find her not suitable for an adult that's experiencing the downside of her life. I mean there will be huge differences for sure! But I still came to love them in the end. Now that I think about it... it's because the actors and actresses in here are so good in portraying their own characters that the whole story of this drama unfolded into something beautiful than I had initially expected. A well written story like this could only do justice when the actors/actresses are in tuned with their characters and convey their own story and that's what happened in here! Everything they do is striking straight to my heart.. the sadness, heartbreaks, regrets, happiness, youth, adulthood and nostalgia.. I have felt it all in this drama. Seriously, I still am having goosebumps while writing this. 

I don't think I can elaborate what I wanted in just one blog entry about this drama.. so I am planning to divide my opinion to different blog posts to tackle everything I wanted to say. For now, I am just saying how this story really tarnished and healed my heart. It just unfolded and explained to me the depths of life which comprises about youth and adulthood. It also showed me how to have faith, to persevere no matter what life throws along the way.. because all of us cannot avoid life itself. We should face it because that's how we'll grow as a person. Also that in life, we cannot have everything we wanted. Life is fair, it's true that there will be ups and downs in life... it cannot be always comfortable nor uncomfortable. We will have our breakthrough, downfall and everything in between. And lastly.. it reminded me to always be in the present moment. To stay in the present time where we are all currently living in... because if we just let things pass by without making use of it, enjoying nor just staying conscious in the present moment.. some time in the future we'll regret it all. Sigh.. I love this drama so much. I think this is currently my favorite drama when it comes to being relatable in life. I love it so much and hopefully it touches the hearts of everybody else that sees this drama.

I think.. this is the drama that I can confidently say that I loved each characters.. from their reckless youth into growing to someone reliable. I love it.. I love them all. It's saddening that we're all saying goodbye this epic drama but that's just life. There is also an end to beautiful things. HUHUHU! (crying mess)


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