February 3, 2021

L.U.C.A: The Beginning Premieres With A High Rating

This newest drama of Kim Rae Won and Lee Da Hee premiered with a rating of 5.371% nationwide while its 2nd episode accumulated a 5.802% rating. If it were to be compared to its preceding drama, LUCA's ratings for 1st and 2nd episodes are higher. Awaken's premiere and 2nd episodes were only 4.074 and 4.475% respectively. That's good start for LUCA!

My first impression of this drama is quite good too! I find it really interesting how Ji Oh (Kim Rae Won) has special powers and being chased by those who are greedy for his power. Obviously, the mystery surrounding his past, the laboratory and the church were all interconnected. They fused this Ji Oh LUCA genes that made him like that from when he was just a baby. Since then he's pretty much called as a monster for possessing such supernatural powers of electricity. That's cool, right? that concept reminded me of Ginji Amano from the anime Get Backers which is why I easily got attracted with it. Not only that, it feels like I'm watching a western action movie with all the generated effects and cinematic shots. It has an English soundtrack too! 

On the other hand, detective Goo Reum (Lee Da Hee) is such a bad ass here. But it's worrisome how she's getting hit by a vehicle anywhere. lol She's always hurt chasing Ji Oh because the guy is also being chased by the bad guys from the laboratory. She and Ji Oh somewhat had a past when they were just children. I wonder if Ji Oh still remembered but Goo Reum wants some answers from him regarding the disappearance of her parents. 

So far, it is really great for me. Try it out too!


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