June 22, 2014

Maeda Atsuko Breaking Up with Onoe Matsuya?

Okay enough with me acting like nothing's really wrong. It's saddening to read these rumors coming out everywhere, that Atsuko (despite having marriage in mind while dating) became one of the victims of her womanizer boyfriend.

First of all, these two people involved aren't publicly admitting the relationship that the media's throwing at them. But despite their silence over this, expecting the rumors to fade away seemed to be impossible. Unfortunately for Maeda Atsuko and Onoe Matsuya, the media became even more fired up to break this silence. Although silence over an issue may seem to help not to lit up more fire on the situation, Maeda at Matsuya's silence became the opposite.

It only makes sense for the fans to believe such rumors, because if the two aren't really dating, they would deny it in the first place to do not cause anymore problems to the other. And therefore, it is only natural to make the fans worry and get anxious over the unexplained rumor.

But don't get me wrong! Of course I am not saying that Atsuko owes us an explanation in regards to her private life, but as a public figure I think she has even the slightest responsibility called love and care for fans worrying. But well yeah, depends on whatever she wanted.

Anyways after this big explosion of dating rumors, months after became calm and stable. But not for long, as the month of June came in. On its first week, there was a new rumor spreading that Atsuko and Matsuya had broken up since the end of last year (2013) for the reason of Matsuya being a womanizer.

Was the boyfriend finally showing his asshole self now? Might be! As another rumor came out with pictures as evidence.

It was then revealed that Matsuya was also dating a woman 11 years older than him. A divorced woman with children, yet competitive as labeled to be "beauty & brains" and "rich" as she's a radio producer. Could this be enough now for Maeda to finally break their already shaking relationship?

The other question is. What is Maeda's decision? To speak up? or to end everything in silence as how it all begun?

Depends perhaps on how long she can handle being a talk-about personality involving infidelity relationships. 

Tough choice! But whatever it is that Maeda decides to do, or how these rumors becomes real... I'll still be beside my idol, of course.

Despite being worried and anxious over what she's really going through, and despite feeling deprived by the truth... I still love Maeda and all I want is for her to have happiness. I wish she could have a brighter and lovely relationship in the future. I may be a hardcore atsumina shipper, but setting aside all my deslusions... I am not happy about all these rumors even if you say it was about the break up thing. What makes Atsuko happy will make me happy and what makes her sad makes me sad too. So no matter what's going on now to her own private life, I guess all I can do now is just support her and remain trusting her with her decisions. Giving her time to learn more about life, coz that's what growing up is all about.

Acchan, really, it's not the end of the world if you've seen yourself facing a huge wall preventing you to see your dream life, career, friendships and love relationships... someday, you'll be able to meet the real one for you. Whoever the lucky one, I will be happy for your happiness.


  1. Coming from a completely objective side (as in no OTP or shipping involved), if all of these are true, then I think Atsuko should seriously reconsider calling it off with this guy as he's obviously not a good person to put her love in and find someone else better deserving of her feelings.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just say I'm a hardcore ATMN shipper, but I can't believe this dating rumor from the 1st place not because of that.

    With all we used to know about Acchan, she didn't, doesn't and won't say anything about her personal life or some rumors even if it's true or not (that her type of choice).

    All we heard about this rumor are all from 'the boyfriend''s side like his co-workers or his mom. And what happened after that rumor, he's more popular and has more work, more ads with his face/name,... It's like he and his staff use her name to make that.

    It's so lack of evidence, no pictures or anything, just talk from one-side... I don't believe that if they were/are dating, they can avoid Bunshun... Just like the pictures of his new rumored dating. And Acchan is like the No1 target and favorite for Bunshun. I believe that if she comes to a house, but not her house, it will be published the day after, LOL.

    Maybe, they know one another, but it's hard to believe they were/are dating. It's just my opinion.

    And even it's true, the man who uses his girlfriend to be more popular is not worth to be considered as a good man.

    Our Acchan deserves better, so much better.

  4. See
    I thank the lady of the it paginates
    Then, I think they are together!
    Excuse English!

    1. Maybe it's true, maybe not.

      And Shukan Bunshun has pictures of him went on date and kissed another woman 2 weeks ago... So what can you say about that man???

      I always hope Acchan will be happy with whoever she chooses... But I don't think someone who cheats on her deserves her love...

      Hope Acchan knows what she does and what she has to do with all the things of her life (and I believe she can).

      Maybe we should stop talk about that kind of thing, it's her private life after all. She can do whatever she wants (but not reckless, LOL).


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