April 18, 2014

[FANFIC] Majisuka Gakuen The Beginning Chapter 2: Order of the New World, Takahashi Minami, Challengers

Heya! Sorry it took me so long to update this one. I feel ashamed because it's only at its 1st chapter.. lol No it's not on hiatus...w

I made it really long and I hope it won't bore you all readers. w


Order of the New World, Takahashi Minami, Challengers

"If you keep on fighting, you will survive this cruelness. Only the strongest shall be the last man standing and the weak shall perish"

A man in darkness said giving advise to a little child.

"If you reached the top, everyone's going to follow your orders. But when you gain comrades, you cannot trust them for a time will come that they'll betray you."

Then a sound of a gun firing lingers to the child's ears. Her eyes wide open as she witness how her parents have been killed.


Oshima Yuko reached out her hand from the darkness. She woke up from a nightmare that never leaves her head. It was very traumatic for her to actually see the love of her life being killed, in front of her. The memory was still afresh even after years had already passed after the cruel incident. She oath to never forget until she have made it on top, until she gains power. But until she's on the road to gain this promise, she can never be at peace.Only when the bright light appears to her darkness, she will move on.




These students fighting right after Majijo's gates are open, are nothing considered to be new. Oshima's second day at the school now and she's on her way to the principal's office to obtain information about the previous challenge announced.

A knock resounded the principal's office, and seconds later the door opened.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Oshima-san?" The principal greeted and signals Yuko to come inside the office.

"I'll be straight to the point. I will give to you the 15 Yabakune students you wanted! And I'll take the top!" She said in a very clear mind, showing her determination over her goal.

The principal laughed at her words which made Yuko irritated so she slammed the table in front of her.

"Don't give me laughs you old shit!!"

"The popular dangerous Oshima Yuko in my school. Isn't that wonderful?" The principal started walking towards the window that's only illuminating the room.

"I have been waiting to have a strong heart inside my campus."

Yuko was just staring at the principal's back and wondering what insane things this old lady's talking about.

"But you see, even if you and everyone else think you're the strongest.... taking the top spot's never as easy like that"


"It seemed like the challenge I've announced just yesterday, ended today."

Yuko's eyes were wide open after hearing the principal's words. "What?!" Damn you Minami

The small girl gritted her teeth with this anger she's feeling and her eyes were flaming. The principal can't help but grin towards the dark aura Yuko's showing right now. She was like about to kill someone because of the awful feeling of defeat without doing anything.

"when you gain comrades, you cannot trust them for a time will come that they'll betray you" The voice suddenly re-appear to Yuko's consciousness. Minami is the traitor.

"I know exactly what you're thinking." The principal continues. "Takahashi-san's not a student of Majisuka Jogakuen though. So the reward's still available."

Yuko was snapped back to her calm state. "B-but the challenge..."

"If it's about the challenge.. then I'll give you one."

"Only to me?" She was confused, why only her? She's opening up the top just for her?

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not your relative or anything related to you that I'll be that generous." The principal stressed out her fact.

"Only the ones with great power and determination just like you would only be qualified. I can only choose who's the great ones, but only a battle between these people is needed to conclude who's the best."

There was silence that lingers before Oshima Yuko answered.

"I'm not afraid!"

The principal looked at her in amazement.

"because it's the order of my new world that the weak shall perish!" Yuko stood firm giving the message of acceptance over the new challenge, before leaving the stunned principal.

"Those fearless eyes..."


As Yuko was walking in the hallway, she was thinking of ways how to become stronger than she is right now. Because she knows what exactly the principal's going to give her as a challenge. It's about beating the best qualified fighters around. It's very tough and probably difficult to wash them out of her way to the top, but she knows very well she doesn't feel any fear. In fact it gives her chills of excitement and taking the challenge as an opportunity to get rid of the weaklings.

While she was near the exit of this long hallway, Takahashi Minami gleefully slid her right foot that made the unaware Yuko Oshima to trip down on the floor.


A loud thud came across the hallway and a joyful laugh blends in.

"AAAKK! Minami!!!! What are you doing here?" Yuko stand up with raging fires around her, anger seemed to have overcome her wholly.

Minami on the other hand run for her life while still laughing at the incident. Her victim didn't dare to let the suspect go as she chase after her.

"Hahaha! You're still the same Yuko!! I told you, don't let your guards down when I'm still around!"

"Darn it! I'm going to kill you Minami!!"

As their run and chase came to an end. They both sat down on the grass at the back of Majijo. With a huge bump on her head, Minami stare at Yuko and smiled. "Isn't it fun just like before?"

Yuko on the other hand who's laughing begun to stop doing so. "It is. But I told you, we can't always be together any longer."

"Why not?!" Minami asked aggressively that made Yuko sigh.

"We've already suffered hell when we're always together. We have to protect each other from time to time. And because of that, it causes weakness to the other."

"B-but! You don't have to always protect me! I-I can handle myself Yuko!"

"I know!"

"T-then why?" Minami's eyes shows gloomy expression that made Yuko look away from her eyes.

"Because...." Yuko was thinking twice whether to say her thoughts about Minami.

"Have you forgotten we're friends since childhood even before that hell your family had gone through? And after that, I've always been in your side and became comrades! And dreamt of gaining the top together! We've promised that Yuko!!!"

Yuko's memories of her parents being killed flashes back to her mind again that changes her mood. She formed her hand into a fist and massive anger came across her being. The words of the unknown man in Yuko's memories came back too.

"When you gain comrades, you cannot trust them for a time will come that they'll betray you"

 It causes for her to destroy her calm posture and outbreaks her thoughts that's bothering her whole life.

"Because I don't want you to betray me!!" Yuko stood firm and started running away from her comrade. Minami was not able to stop her because she was taken aback from the strong words Yuko shouted on her.

"B-betray you? Why would I do such a thing?" Minami asked Yuko's shadow fading away... "Your bad memories are poisoning you, Yuko. Please come back to your senses!" She whispered to herself and then sigh due to disappointment.


"I don't hate you. I just don't know how to get rid of my weakness, and that is you Minami my comrade." 


The family of Oshima moved within this town just a week ago. Since Oshima's parents seemed to have a lot of problems to their old house, they've decided to transfer into a much peaceful environment for the sake of their family's wholeness.

The fact that Mr. Oshima, the father of Yuko, was unfaithful to his wife there are instances wherein his mistresses came to their house and throwing stones causing for his whole family to get hurt. It was a worst environment. But now they've moved it'll all be quiet again. Yuko was only 10 years old and was also transferred to a new school, she don't mind at all though because she had no acquaintances and friends to her old place. 

With Yuko being left all alone in the house due to her parents are working, she's always by herself. She have been used to it, and in school she was also all alone not wanting to make friends.One day she was bullied by her classmates and didn't fight back for she was frightened. She was too weak when she was so young and nobody from their class wanted to help her. She was crying all the time when she goes home.

Her parents was unaware of Yuko's problems at school for they were always busy working and if not, quarreling. Yuko always remained silent and tried to contain the pain, the sadness and anger that are building all throughout her being. She had always reaching out for help, but no one seemed to notice.

Yuko believed that no one will ever come to help and save her from this cruelness of her classmates, until someone had gave a handkerchief to her when she was crying all alone at the school garden.

"Fix yourself up! You're too cute to cry."

The crying Yuko looked up to face the kind-hearted person who's willing to help her out. She saw a small cute little girl with eyes full of sincerity and an enchanting smile.  She reached out for the handkerchief but didn't said a word.

After Yuko had thought she was all alone in the world. She had met someone who's willing to help her out of misery. It was Minami Ono, who happens to be Minami Takahashi now.

Minami became Yuko's savior, guardian and best friend. Even though Minami's the youngest between the two, Yuko's always amazed by how strong Minami had become considering of her age. They were the happiest when they are always together, and Yuko can't help but imagine the future with Minami always by her side. Everything seemed to be perfect at that time.. for the first time in Yuko's life she felt secured and loved.

Yuko had woken up from her sleep. She yet again reminisce the only good thing about her past, meeting Minami. If only she could dream about this all the time erasing her nightmares about her family's death then everything would be better.

"I'm sorry Minami." She begun to wipe out the threatening tears coming out from her saddest eyes. "I have to forget our sweet memories and friendship for me to become stronger in order to reach the top,----- in order to fully have peace.

She continue to weep with yet again no one by her side. It was the loneliest.


At Majijo's principal's office...

"Ready for the new challenge?" The principal teases. 

"Bring it on! Don't waste my time any longer!" Yuko replied aggressively. 

The principal threw papers on the table showing a list of names. Yuko looked at the papers and to the principal obviously wanting for more explanation. 

"These are the names that you'll have to beat in order to reach the top!" The principal grinned.

Yuko reviewed the names on the list and wide-eyed as she saw her ex-comrade's name.

"Takahashi Minami? What do you mean by this?" 

"You have to take her out of your path. And it seemed like you wanted to do the same too, right?" 

Yes, Yuko wanted to get rid of Minami in order to wag off her weakness.. but she never wanted to get rid of her by fighting her. She was her friend and a comrade by all means. 

As the principal watches Yuko being hesitant she begun to bother her more.

"Don't tell me, you cannot beat a year younger than you? A long time friend you've abandoned?" 

Yuko was shocked at the words of the principal. Did she really abandoned her savior? Her childhood friend that becomes a family? She was somehow taken aback in this situation, with the principal abusing her verbally. 

"Yuko" The now serious principal called out the student's name... and Yuko looked at her in the eyes.

"To become stronger, you need to sacrifice these feelings of guilt and affection. And only when you beat that person out of your life, you'll only reach the top. Become more passionate in fighting Yuko!!!" 

Yuko was not sure of what's going to happen anymore. The principal's showing off a yankee soul again that made her tremble. She look again at the names on the list... she didn't mind the others because it was only Minami's name she could see. It was all sudden, she didn't know she would be cornered by the principal just like that... when she thought she had become stronger by now, she can't still face her weakness into a one-on-one battle after all. 

But then she remembered her true goal and whole-heartedly accepts the challenge. She then again browse the list and will try to recall if there's someones else than Minami she knows.


-Shinoda Mariko

-Kashiwagi Yuki

-Matsui Rena

-Itano Tomomi

-Kojima Haruna

-Takahashi Minami

"Those best fighters are not arranged accordingly to who you will fight first. It's still your choice who to fight first and who'll be the last." The principal explained further.

Yuko already thought of picking Minami as her last opponent.

"But the thing is... the challenge will start right after you discover who are those people. I won't give you any clue where they are though." She laughed miserably.

"Damn you!"

"But since I'm impressed by your willingness to get rid of your long time friend, Minami. I will give you a hint."

"And what could that be?"

"Those fighters' names listed are their real names. So be careful not to mess up and ignore them when you happen to meet them using their codenames or yankee names!"



Feel free to leave comments to show your support on this fanfic, it's a hard to write fanfic tbh!
But it's fun! 


  1. Hmmm, I have mix feelings about this chapter...

    Since it was listed Takahashi Minami, I thought it would revolve more around her and maybe even see Atsuko, but I guess you're really focusing on Yuko for this fanfic, huh?

    I'll admit, chapter 2 was much more interesting to me than 1, and I very much look forward to the next one. That is if it has Minami or Atsuko in it.

    You're probably annoyed that I kept mentioning AtsuMina lol, can't help it ya know X3 They are the only ones I care about, but the connection been Minami and Yuko is interesting. I wonder how long till it takes for her to fight with Minami, and if you're gonna use the drama in this fic at all. Like, will Minami still get beaten up by the other Yankees cuz of Atsuko, and if Yuko will still have that cancer? or something. Will they still trying to aim to graduate. I'm really curious about it all XD

    - lezperv

    1. Haha well as of now I'm taking it slow and somehow throwing out "hidden" details from Majisuka Gakuen Season 1... Like how did Yuko managed to gather all rapappa members, how much Minami and Yuko have the same principles, and yes AtsuMina's there too.

      Right now I focus much more on Yuko since she's like the best main character to tell out a story on how everything begins. It's like she got all the branches that connects every characters of Majisuka Gakuen. :)))

      Don't worry I'm not taking out atsumina in this story =) It'll come out sooner or later at the right time.

      Thanks for reading!

  2. whoever your oshi is, being able to write about other members as main ones is a thing I find very acceptable and I respect such people.

    I am YukoRena oshi, but give me any pairing and I will write about it no problemo. It's not like in this world there are only Yuko and Rena that do exist.

    This chapter left me with lots of wuestions...

    Yuka and Yuki, from the triplets? will they appear?

    Also, if Minami knows Yuko, and she will be friends with Acchan later...does that mean she knew Acchan was Minami's friend when she found ou her name was MAeda Atsuko in Mg? is that why she felt like Acchan is suitable to be at the top? is that why she befriends her later?

  3. This! AKS should have done this. A prequel! I usually don't read fanfics where Atsumina isn't the main characters but this is almost exactly what I think the prequel should be had AKS ever made it. I always thought that Minami and Yuko somehow knew each other due to similar words they said to Acchan and Sado, plus the fact that Yuko quickly had her attention glued on Acchan - a girl she only met during her hospital stay. If this had been a true story; then this is what I think took place before Majisuka: Yuko and Minami became distant after Yuko had reached the top at Majijo, Yuko went on conquering Rappapa while Minami met Acchan and became best friends afterwards, Yuko got to know about Acchan in some coincidences and of course, she also knew how Minami sacrificed herself to protect Acchan. Yuko decided to be friends with Acchan after meeting her, protecting her from other Rappapa members, even choosing Acchan as her successos as a way to make up for what happened between her and Minami. She let their friendship slip out of her hand once so this time, she wants to continue on what her best friend left behind; it's to protect what was once precious to her best friend - Acchan.

    I don't know if I'm imagining too much or not lol.


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